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swg panel and standard

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hi ive got a swg skuttle panel which i fitted about 3 years ago.i am wondering if you should fit it over the top of the crappy plastic one that fits over heater vent .the problem ive got is the floor is getting wet again.i took the swg off a few weeks ago and cleaned all the crap out under it,i should of got a new foilage seal but thought tiger seal would seal it.put it back together and thought i had fixed it as the carpet was dry for a few weeks.we had bad rain yesterday and the carpets soaked again.ive ordered a foilage seal like i should of done before, but am wondering if i should fix the original cover under the swg.

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I took all the original off when I fitted mine. Doesn't seal particularly well but I don't think its meant to keep the weather out is it? Nor did the original if you ask me. Get a torch in there and check all the grommets are in place going in behind the dash. It's amazing how much water can seep through if one of these is missing or broken!

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The crappy plastic one is your problem, it needs to be fitted. I had to trim mine but can't remember how.


Without it fitted you can see straight down into the fan inlet, I did post a pic a while back showing this.

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it is crappy like a cake box plastic.i thought the swg would of been ok on its own but i am wrong then.looks like a trip into my attic to look for it

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Its like the plastic that the smallest plant pots you start seeds growing in are made of.


Been noticing it doing its job when lifting the bonnet covered in rain. Loads of water ends up covering the scuttle tray. Also glad I got the plastic wiper motor cover too. Works great.

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Its like the plastic that the smallest plant pots you start seeds growing in are made of.


Been noticing it doing its job when lifting the bonnet covered in rain. Loads of water ends up covering the scuttle tray. Also glad I got the plastic wiper motor cover too. Works great.


I know what you mean. I wipe my bonnet dry before I open my bonnet if its wet. I need one of those passat plastic cover over the wiper motor too. I heard Mk2 golf Scuttle cover can be used on a corrado. Are they still available from the dealership ?

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