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Andy Brookes

Early VR6 with dizzy instead of coilpacks, any disadvantages

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Hi All,


Been to see a K reg VR6 tonight, as its early one it has a dizzy instead of coilpacks. Seems an advantage to begin with as no need to worry about those dodgy coilpacks going up the spout!! But does anyone know what other differences this engine has apart for the dizzy and if its worth holding out for a later car with the later spec engine??

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The later engine has the (theoretically) more reliable thin film MAF too, not just the coil pack, and all the other late electronics pack. (OBD2)

Also, I think the coil pack gives more freedom to the ECU to control the spark timing. Correct me if I'm wrong but can the ECU control the timing on the distributor engine too?

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All the Corrado VRs use the OBD1 protocol, but the very late ones had the OBD2 wiring loom, or so I've been told.

On the Golf the OBD2 engine came with a fly-by-wire throttle body, I'm led to believe.

I can't really offer any more info on the pros/cons of coilpack vs dizzy tho..

(Mind you, given that the dizzy is not cheap either, you may be better off looking at other aspects of the car than things such as that.)

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All VR6s are OBD1, whether they have the 2+2 connector or the OBD2 connector.


There never was an OBD2 Corrado.......


The only difference between the dizzy engine and the CP engine is the ingition and the intake boot material (rubber instead of plastic). The earlier engine just uses a dizzy and hall sender instead of coilpack and cam poistion sensor.



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Ok, I stand corrected.. :)

The later VRs definitely used the later, OBD2-style MAF and connector, however..

Or am I making that up too? ;)

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Ok, I stand corrected.. :)

The later VRs definitely used the later, OBD2-style MAF and connector, however..

Or am I making that up too? ;)


Yep, that's true and unfortunately the only thing about VR6s that is OBD2 compliant!


The idea behind OBD was the same as SCART, i.e. one connector suits all......looks like they've finally settled on the oblong OBD2 connector then as my mate's subaru and another mate's Cupra R sport the same connectors....... haven't tried VAG-COM on them yet, although I should for a laugh!



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It'll work, kev. In fact, the missus' peugeot 206 has an OBD2 connector aswell. It's a standard protocol, so *any* reader can talk to it, but it simply won't understand what the codes mean. The "pro" readers are just ruggedised mini-PCs with plug-in memory cards that hold all the e.g. VW error codes.

If you want to work on a Peugeot you should buy the memory card with all the Pug error codes on it, and so on..



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AAARGGHH!! you said "caveat"!!!!! I f*cking hate that words, all the arseholes in the office who think they are imprtant use that word far too much...

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I also say "procrastinate", "anthropomorphic" and "perspicacity" amongst others. Go on, I can feel the waves of hate washing over me. Let it all out... ;)

What I don't say are words like: "synergy", "team-building", "pro-active", "engender". My hair is not pointy.



Is it just me or did we turn this poor guy's thread into the "Matt, Kev and Phat Show"?


/me shuts up.. ;)

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AAARGGHH!! you said "caveat"!!!!! I f*cking hate that words, all the arseholes in the office who think they are imprtant use that word far too much...


LOL, funny you should say that cause when I flogged my old Bimmer to someone at work, he emailed me and said "Subject to a final Caveat I'd like to buy your car". Arrghhh..... what a pompus muppet I thought, you don't deserve this car....

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Thread re-erection! So there is no disadvantages then for a dizzy VR6 against a coilpacked one? Or am i just thinking to deeply about this?





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