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Whats your worst enemy on the road?

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Impatient locals or regulars behind you at night in the rain when you are approaching a strange airport or town centre and dont really know where you are supposed to be going or what is the best lane to be in and cant read the road signs until you are level with them. Even worse with passengers who give you bum steers.

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1) Anyone who works on a 'Safety Camera Partnership.'


2) Having all the traffic filter over to avoid a lane closed due to roadworks, and then have some t**t que-jump everyone on the now-vacant lane, before coming to a halt at the traffic cones and trying to force his way back into the flow.


3) Anyone who lets the said driver back into the correct lane. I'm quite courteous, but there's a time for courtesy and a time for The Finger.

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2) Having all the traffic filter over to avoid a lane closed due to roadworks, and then have some t**t que-jump everyone on the now-vacant lane, before coming to a halt at the traffic cones and trying to force his way back into the flow.


3) Anyone who lets the said driver back into the correct lane. I'm quite courteous, but there's a time for courtesy and a time for The Finger.


Oh yeah, I f*cking hate people who don't understand what "merge in turn" means :roll:

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Nobody's mentioned 'rubber neckers'....accidents, cars broken down..they slow down to have a gawp.


The wanton destruction of all traffic cameras :norty:

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I hate...


Tesco lorries - 40 mph every where

Argos lorries - 40 mph every where

Tractors / JCB's / milk floats on the road during rush hours

All Taxi's

All Couriers

Sales reps on phones - BMW brigade

Most van drivers - not all are bad just most

All lycra clad cyclists - normally 2 or 3 abreast

Horses - we live in a country full of fields - why ride them on the road?

All Pensioners

Saxo drivers

Nova drivers

Any chav in any vehicle - including VW's

Halfords hotrods - usually vauxhall chavaliers

4x4 mums

Most other road users


Did I miss anyone? Oh yeah all caravans - you know who you are...


The roads these days are full of sh** it is becomming harder and harder to enjoy driving. I must be getting old

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My pet hate are the idiots who pace me for a couple of miles on the motorway at say 80 (ish), when I pull over into a slower lane for them to pass with me then behind say an artic. & starting to close rapidly on it they just close the gap in the outer lane & do not give you room to pull back out again, meanwhile I've had to break like ****!

Makes you just want to stay in the fast lane doing 95-100+ like some seem to get away with doing all the time.

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my thoughts too. I find myself hogging the fast lane to avoid these idiots and now I'm paranoid everyone is like this so I just end up cruising at 100 and just move over if anyone wants to go any faster :lol:

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to*ssers in white vans (doing 60) who pull out on you on a dual carriage way while you are doing 120 in the fast lane!brown trouser moment we thinks!

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Well here's my list....


1) Middle lane hogging on the motorway when there is nothing on the inside lane :mad:

2) The A14 and the majority of the drivers on it who don't pull over to let you past when there is nothing in the inside lane

3) Indicating right when going straight on at a roundabout, then indicating left when leaving the roundabout...what's that all about???

4) People who pull out of a junction in front of you, slow you down, then turn off 100yds up the road :mad:

5) Old people who drive at 45mph everywhere!

6) People who either speed up whilst you're over taking, or after you've over taken to prove some kind of point....not quite sure what!!

7) Definately 4x4 Mum's!!!!


The list goes on and on.....not that I believe that I'm a great driver or anything, but there are some seriously sh1t drivers out there, especially the ones driving BMW 318 company chariots who seem to think there car is supersonic!


Lots of swearing from my C... :mad: :mad:

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I have an arch enemy near where I live but I must admit - I'm outclassed by his car. I mean it's a 1.0l Suzuki Swift with Blue neons underneath - which obviously boosts perfomance to about 1000BHP as every time I see him - he tries to race me. It's really quite funny. You gotta love his style though. :lol:

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1) Chelsea Tractors

2) Lack of indicator use

3) People driving like twunts in 30/40mph zones.

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