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Police video'ing when leaving inters

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Santa Pod is suitably local to me - will definately be there :)

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... Unalbe to park with other C's group, and agreed to buy a 'late' bonnet for £35, but in the end didn't go for it coz wasn't sure could fit it in back of car, and Staff wouldn't let me take car down to seller to try it :roll:



Sorry m8, should have told you guys that I was an official there (the one & only autojumble dude 8) ), and could have got your car a bit closer to pick up some bits for ya, or at least got em brought down for ya . Us guys should stick together an' all that :wink:


'.........The best thing i saw on saturday morning was 3 pikeys getting caught by guys on a breakers stand for pick-pocketing and then being locked in the back of there van! - they then called the event 'security' that were pretty useless by all acounts at getting them out so they got locket back in until the police arrived


heard about that one, they'd nicked a mobile phone off those guys and the guy that nicked it got off, so they locked the others in the van, there was a bit of a scuffle, the pikeys got twatted a couple of times, & even the copper ended up gettin hit aswell! no charges made and everyone went their own way


Also, that audi 90 guy just blew his turbo tryin to beat his best 0-60 time of 4.7seconds, and spewed his oil everywhere at the end of the runway too :o


but on a serious note, ive got my foot in the door so to speak, and I had my own objections to a few a things this year, mainly the lack of respect & appreciation given to all the localised clubs, that to be honest make the scene & show what it is, not just all the fancy trade people, who still find reason to kick off at the best of times :roll:



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Deviboy, Ah, oh well, never mind, wasn't 100 % sure I wanted a late bonnet anyway, but at £35 thought I'd go for it anyway.....would have taken it if could have been sure could get it in car.

I was the bloke who spent ages staring at the early and late C;s parked side by side at the CCGB stand, trying to decide which bonnet type I preferred. Must have looked a bit shifty to the Club guys :D


Bloody shame about some of the toss clientelle at the event though, place had a bit of an edgy feel I thought rather than a proper VW owner's group hug feel...shame.

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i got busted...you guys might of seen. on the sunday during hours of 12-1pm on the road leading through the little village to get to the airfield base,

A red corrado went past me as did a black one.

I got a 7day producer, need an MOT stamp for putting my normal no.plates back on the car and a £30 fine for the tinted plates i had...i've had them on the car for 6months here in northants and not one police officer has commented due to the readable font on them

I think they have nothing better do in that town and i bet they had a big group meeting to get revenue by sitting in the right places!

nice officers though...they were asking about what car it was, how fast it goes and they seemed to like the golk mk4's the most.

inters this year was just terrible...weather and set up...club stands were measly and it wasn't the right atmosphere i got from my first time last year! probably won't go again...looking forward to edition38 instead now.


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I think that these days you just have to expect that wherever there is a big motoring / enthusiasts event that there will be a corresponding police presence.


GTi International is probably one of the largest "events" now held in Suffolk each year, and there are so many cars with modifications that contravene the law (no offence intended to anyone here, but 60% tints and German number plates are illegal) that common sense that they will target the event for enforcement.


If your car won't get through an MOT inspection there's no point in bitching about it because the Police decide to check you at the roadside - they can (and do) do that anyway. You just have to get into the routine of fitting / removing things like German show plates at the event rather than driving on the road with them... life's a lot quieter like that in my experience :roll:


I'm not saying I agree with the stict enforcement that was apparently being deployed, but you have to see thier side of it - vehicle regulations for the public highway don't get suspended simply because it's Inters weekend...



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OUCH...didn't have german plates, check gallery section for my car and you'll see tints...just the plates i got busted for, i can see why they did it but even when i told them i'd change them there and then at the show, they wouldn't have it...no warning just a fixed penalty...oh well just £30 but a heck of a lot of bother. Next time i'll go standard...then it won't be much of a show. :cry:

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inters this year was just terrible...weather and set up...club stands were measly and it wasn't the right atmosphere i got from my first time last year! probably won't go again...


I couldnt agree more. I've been going since '98 and this one was easily the worst :( Like you said, the stands were pretty poor in comparison to previous years. And the rain just added to the dissapointment. I left after just 2 hours there, usually im there til the end.

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OUCH...didn't have german plates, check gallery section for my car and you'll see tints...just the plates i got busted for, i can see why they did it but even when i told them i'd change them there and then at the show, they wouldn't have it...no warning just a fixed penalty...oh well just £30 but a heck of a lot of bother. Next time i'll go standard...then it won't be much of a show. :cry:


I have to agree with you that that was quite shitty - a warning would have been as effective as a fine. Cheap fuggers :p

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Just re-read the truvelo stuff - they are not used in pairs. they use the 3 lines on the road AND there are other strips that activate to give an average speed - anyone one know hopw far apart these strips are ? ie how far away from the camera?


the ones that work in pairs or more are known as specs they work out the average speed between points.

there are a load on the m6 on the thelwall viaduct 40 limit


quite amusing watching rep racers slow down for the camera then speed up inbetween


havnt heard of anyone getting done by them yet though

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Is it just me, but as a pretty much law-abiding citizen it really pi##es me off to have the Police videoing me, legally driving to a legal event. I really resent it, and if anything it makes me feel very anti.! Not at all comfortable with an increasingly intrusive nanny surveillance state. Especially one that quite happily illegally invades another country with no legal mandate (sorry, went a bit Ben Elton there). Oh dear, suddenly we feel less safe from terrorism (the exact opposite of what was supposed to be achieved), que more state surveillance of the public in the interests of 'security'.



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If you think it's bad now, wait until they put microchips in your numberplates (which is currently being proposed to combat crime), force everyone to carry transponder in thier cars (for road pricing/crime prevention - currently being evaluated by the DoT) and force everyone to be fingerprinted for biometric ID cards. Oh, and they want to introduce e-voting & text voting to make it easier (but they'll also be able to tell who you vote for as a conventient by product).


This isn't fiction, it's actual technology which is being proposed by the Home Office / Dept of Transport in white papers which are out at the moment. George Orwell's "1984" could turn out to be ultimately propheti, even if he did get the date wrong


In the papers today there are articles showing how the Government is going to use the current post 9/11 anti-terror legislation to deal with any possible public protests over the upcoming increases in fuel protests... I have to say that I completely despair reading this, as it reflects all the civil liberties concerns which were conveniently sidelined by the Gov't as part of the "War on Terror". Politicians are saying this war is to protect our freedoms and way of life, whilst at the same time placing increasing restrictions on those same freedoms and increasing surveillance on thier citizens.


Take care who you vote for next year. I'm all for anyone prepared to give me civil my rights back.




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it really makes me mad the attitude of the police in this country (especially north wales ) the amount of uninsured chimps with their saxo's corsa's ect on the roads and the police think their time is better spent catching rally drivers speeding getting between stages or even a rally car with a broken wing mirror getting stopped or pulling people for silly little reasons like number plate letter spacing or tinted windows :mad:


in other countries the rally drivers where cheered by the pollice, given police escorts and even closed off roads for them to get from stage to stage. i even saw videos from spain of cars with two wheels being allowed to drive between stages while the police just stood there laughing about it.


ah well good old blighty

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This war or terror is annoying the poop outta me. Even if you lived in the USA on the day of 9/11 you were still more likely to get hit by lightening than you were to be killed/injured by terrorist activity.


Ok, 3,000 people died, it's not pretty. But they've already killed over 50,000 Iraqi's (not sure exactly how many, they don't bother keeping track). Surely they're even now?


And yeah the Welsh Police are being stupid. It's a rally event that's bringing money and people to the area, don't make your country look like tits by fining people. If it was the Gumball I could understand it, but these are some of the best drivers in the world.

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Ok, 3,000 people died, it's not pretty. But they've already killed over 50,000 Iraqi's (not sure exactly how many, they don't bother keeping track). Surely they're even now?



They'll never be even - the Iraqiis had bugger all to do with the attacks of Sep 11th! (can't even bring myself to use the stupid Americanised 9/11 terminology :lol: )

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Well eventually people give up being persecuted for doing +2mph over the speed limit and just stop going to the event. It was always a fvck sight better event before it was run in Wales anyway.


Despite what you said about the rally drivers I have to say I did agree with the copper who stopped Tommy Makinnen driving his car on the public highway back to service as it was unroadworthy - I mean the thing had a whole wheel missing off it!

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after reading those posts guys...i'd rather just gold plate my corrado and sit it in a heated garage for the rest of its life so i can pretend i'm driving it. then just walk.

God this is sad...i hate rules and regulations.

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Go to the Castle Combe Track Day on July 24th and take your car out on track - no Gatso's there :)

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Ok, 3,000 people died, it's not pretty. But they've already killed over 50,000 Iraqi's (not sure exactly how many, they don't bother keeping track). Surely they're even now?



They'll never be even - the Iraqiis had bugger all to do with the attacks of Sep 11th! (can't even bring myself to use the stupid Americanised 9/11 terminology :lol: )


The blame lies at #10. Everything that bloke does annoys me. Speed Cameras, Iraq, the immense amount of money he's spending. You name it. It makes my blood boil. But hey who am I? I not best pals with the Beckhams and the the Bushes (ooerr).


Please Please vote for anyone but him.

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Ok, 3,000 people died, it's not pretty. But they've already killed over 50,000 Iraqi's (not sure exactly how many, they don't bother keeping track). Surely they're even now?



They'll never be even - the Iraqiis had bugger all to do with the attacks of Sep 11th! (can't even bring myself to use the stupid Americanised 9/11 terminology :lol: )


Well said! Makes me sick to see Blair with his oh so sincere speeches, but what's the alternative, voting bloody Tory, I don't think so! Never thought I'd say this, but Blair has been one huge spine-less let down IMO. Sooner we distance ourselves from standing shoulder to ankle with Bush the better. :mad:

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