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insurance settlement help ( been to court)

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Sorry to read about this


Looks like all insurance companies behave the same.


We got burgled recently and they tried to fob us off with inferior products Etc. managed to get what we'd lost after some arguing.


Makes me wonder how many people they must get away with doing this to.


Glad to see its coming to an end, hopefully.

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thanks for that, been a bit of a nightmare the last few months, looks like i'm going to need surgery on the wrist, nerve damage, wife and kids are still having therapy but the main thing is were still here

had a right fight with the insurance to get a decent settlement figure,because all our cars are insured through the business they only offered trade value , which w but noas peanuts, had to prove that you could not get the same spec and mileage car with the money they were offering, got to a figure we were happy with in the end, got a nice merc c class touring now

dickhead is due in court on 23/12/ 13 for sentencing, so hopefully he will get a nice christmas present but knowing the british justice system i,ll get charged with assault at the scene of an accident


just like a big thanks again from everyones support on here,

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just got back from court, he got 6 months sentence, 2 years ban and costs, happy with that, can finally move on now

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Seems like a good result after that ordeal. Hope you can move on now mate.

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Really good news Nige. Hopefully you can properly draw a line under it all now and finally move on :)

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Crikey, only just read this.

Seems like you and your family had a lucky escape. Good to see that the idiot got a decent penalty.

Just now starting the whole process you went through after some idiot hit me and wiped my corrado out just before xmas (apologies if you replied to my post when mine happened and mentioned it, had a lot of replies), was it the Traffic Justice Department that decided if he was being prosecuted? Police in my case think the other driver will be done for careless driving but say it's Traffic Justice Dept that decide although the police confirmed his blame for the accident - w*nker appears to have nodded off, swerved across road and pole axed me head on and swiped the car following me.

Also have you been compensated for injuries and everything yet? Be nice to know if it drags on a bit, I've got broken leg, crush injuries to upper body.

Luckily just me in the car unlike in your case. Hope you and they are getting on ok

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thanks again to everybody on here for there support

larceny fink, can totally understand what your going through ,be interested to see how you actually feel when you get behind the wheel again

yes,it was the TJD who finally passed sentence ,was quite shocked when it was given but over the moon

compensation is miles away,we have 4 cases going

we are due to start PTT next month and I face 2 operations on my wrist

been a nightmare but can see light at the end of the tunnel ,the sentencing was a big boost

finally, make sure you keep a list of undue costs , keep your receipts ( petrol ,food etc)

at first I didn't what to make a fuss, but as the days go by you realize you wouldn't be in this situation because of one persons irresponsible's actions



good luck


(if your ever feeling down the lads on here will always cheer you up)

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Only just read it as well. I'm glad you decked the retarded moron. I think I would have done a lot more to him and just said they were injuries he sustained in the accident.


Trailor trash like him and his gang of peanut headed facebook lickers who turned up to 'watch', are a cancer of the planet and should be wiped out.


Still, a new year, new car, sentence given to him and all that. I'm glad you and your family were able to come out of it relatively unscathed.


I can actually see merit in these monster Soft Roaders like Audi Q7s and Volvo XC90s now. High up and a lot of metal to fold up before it touches the occupants.

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