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My Handbrake is gonna.........well....BREAK!

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Hey guys - dunno if you can help me - my handbrake has been pretty dodgy since having the car - usually have to leave it in gear as well as having the handbrake on to be safe. I live on a steep hill and this morning I put the handbrake on and it felt really light in my hand - got to work - removed the centre handbrake surround and it looks :shock: as though my handbrake is hanging on by a thread - or more literally - a wire! The metal plate that the handbrake is attached to appears to have sheared from the floor of the car - is this gonna cost me a sh*tload to get fixed - welding and as a result having the whole interior removed? I aint got much money at the moment and would appreciate any help! To get the handbrake to work at the moment you have to yank it so far up it's practically vertical and it lifts the plastic surround with it - even then the car creaks and groans like it's gonna run away - scary!

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Had this on my 16v as well, I only found out after the handbrake came right out the floor and I noticed it had been previously fixed with chemical metal stuff.

I managed to boj it together with some small bolts and big washers, though I reckon ideally it needs welded. :(

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Hmm, well, the handbrake mechanism on the rear calipers on the C is well known to be prone to seizing 'on'after a few years of loyal service . This leads to the symptom you describe of the handbrake being very high, and having to be yanked on so the lever is really far too high before the handbrake works. Long term solution is to replace the calipers with later Mk 3 Golf / late Corrado type (straight swap), or Mk4 golf type (think you need different rear brake hoses to do that? Can you jack up the rear wheels to see if the handbrake really comes off when it is released, or is it dragging a bit? At the rear calipers take a look at the area where the handbrake cables attach, is it seized up, can you free it off? This might be the basic defect, which is common and known on the C. I would guess the bracket at the handbrake lever is adrift because of it being yanked on so much! I thought this bracket was bolted on with two bolts (unless I'm thinking of my previous Mk2 Golf), so that could be an easy fix once and if the rear calipers need sorting. It could be a problem with the cables themselves, but unlikely. Don't know how handy you are with a spanner, but the rear calipers are pretty straight-forward to replace (about £80 for both as I recall), the cables are about £15 each (x2), and if I'm right the handbrake lever base should bolt back on again, provided the bolts haven't actually sheared in the holes. Don't panic, doubt it's gonna be a mega expensive exercise either way......probably reckon on needing new rear calipers. P.S for more info try a Forum Search, as this will have come up before as it's a common defect. You could be lucky and find it's nothing to do with the rear caliper mech after all , and just a loose handbrake base as you describe and nothing else wrong......

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This happened to mine - I fixed it by making a plate and welding to the centre tunnel - any half decent garage will be able to do this. It's a common problem on golfs/corrados etc


I didn't remove the interior - just the centre console and bent the carpet back out the way. Then I borrowed some welding blankets of someone and put them around where it was gonna be welded.


You need to get the cause of the problem sorted as well - hope this helps!

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Cheers guys - was talking to a guy I've known for years about it today and he is pretty handy at welding and mechanics so is gonna have a look at it on Monday and hopefully it will be sorted!

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Had this on my 16v as well, I only found out after the handbrake came right out the floor and I noticed it had been previously fixed with chemical metal stuff.

I managed to boj it together with some small bolts and big washers, though I reckon ideally it needs welded. :(



handbrake coming out of the floor...sounds very familiar,the exact same happend to mine :oops:

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at first i thought it was the cables that had stretched because the handbrake was non existant,and was always creaking and when i pulled it on the plastic h/brake surround nearly came up it,when i went to adjust the cables i noticed the bracket on the floor had split,so i put a bolt and big washer in the bracket and tapped the bracket dack down onto place,ideally it needed welding but didnt have time,and its been like that for over 12 months now

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What a Corrado part that is relatively cheap new :shock: ! I don't believe it!


True, the handbrake cables are relatively cheap at £10 to £15, until you realise that about the only thing that goes wrong with them is the rubber gaitor at the caliper end splits / dis-integrates and lets water in. In the cold of winter this then freezes your handbrake on, so you go to VW to buy the rubber gaitor for what you expect to be pennies, and they say sorry, can only get them with the whole cable assy, thatl'l be £30 plus please sir for the two! :roll: :mad: VW never let you down do they!


Come on GPC, there's a market here for you!

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mines been like that for a bout 3 months, im just toolazy to fix it but it is a quick fix. common problem unfortunately. pain in the ass though :mad:

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