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Meguiars Car Wax - thoughts?

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I use it Megiuars Gold Class wax, seems rather good to me. Can't compare it to Swissol etc though as never used them.

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Awesome stuff - use it all the time.


MILES better than the Autoglym, Zymol, etc but I havent compared to Swissol.


I used the 3 stage system when first bought the VR6 and now just use gold class regularly - everytime I wash the VR it looks like new :D

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Scott, I baulked at going for the full 3 stage 'system' , and just went straight to using Gold Class. Was it worth going the whole hog and going through the stages?

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Many thanks guys. Scott I take it you've compared the results on your own car? How long does the wax last - ie. how long does it keep water beading?

My dad runs a Mk2 Golf in Tornado Red which lives outside :( We've used AutoGlym up to now which has worked well enough, but it just doesn't last very long. I after something for his car as well as my Corrado.

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Yup the stage three makes a BIG difference - paint is smooth as glass after all three stages... well worth it!


I havent polished since last summer and the water still beads of very nicely :D

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How much are you paying for the 3 stage kit Scott? Out of interest...

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Seems like a good price.


Not used any others personally, but I can certainly vouch for the Swissol stuff as being top stuff.


I think the best thing is doing a lot of hardwork and getting the paint decent in the first place - should be effortless then for the occasional waxing.

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the meguirs would be better than the zymol cleaner wax,but wouldnt touch the top of the range zymol or swissol waxes

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I use two of the three stages all the time and the first stage when the car needs it.

It is nice stuff and very easy to wipe on and off. Beading is good and probably lasts

a long time, I wax the car every week if I can :D Only thing I was slightly miffed about,

is that when the weather dries up some of the beaded water dries on the paint and

leaves all the dust, pollen etc behind :p That IS why I wash and wax it every week :)




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the meguirs would be better than the zymol cleaner wax,but wouldnt touch the top of the range zymol or swissol waxes


I agree. It's miles better than the autoglym stuff but nowhere near as good as swissol/zymol (but then it's nowhere near as expensive either)

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I've just started using a wax called P21S concours-look carnauba, must admit i was impressed with results cost me £40 with cleaner and microfibre cloth. :D

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Agreed it isnt as good as the top of range Zymol or swissol stuff but I have never been able to compare it..... and like mentioned it costs about 20% of the cost of Swissol.... :roll:


I use it as it doesnt leave dust behind like some other products and is easy to work with - leaves the paint like a mirror.


My friends always comment on it.



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I got the three stage system about a month ago, used it and was v impressed.

I have just tested it on my mums old Sierra which is in a terrible state and I am amazed!

This car hasn't been washed or waxed for years!

This took about 1 minute, all three stages, nearly no elbow grease.

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Nice one mate - brilliant before and after shots!!

I've heard nothing but praise for Meguiars, so they must be good. Shall be getting some I think.

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I've just bought the Meguiar's 'nxt generation' tech wax with synthetic polymers. We'll see this weekend whether this stuff is as good as, if not better, than the 3-stage system. But I agree with all. I think it is the best system around for those who can't afford to pay loads for waxes.




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Bloody hell.. that Meguires doesn't do a bad job does it! That corner of the Sierra roof looks better than the factory job after that 3 stage polish!

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I got the three stage system about a month ago, used it and was v impressed.

I have just tested it on my mums old Sierra which is in a terrible state and I am amazed!

This car hasn't been washed or waxed for years!

This took about 1 minute, all three stages, nearly no elbow grease.


Richie, how long does the shine last for?? Or maybe I should say, how long does it continue to make water bead?

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Bloody hell.. that Meguires doesn't do a bad job does it! That corner of the Sierra roof looks better than the factory job after that 3 stage polish!


I have always sworn by Meguiars waxes mate.... awesome stuff!!

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Have only done the three stage once, 3 weeks ago, The water still beads, but pollen etc does still seem to want to stay on.

Saying that, the deep shine still shows through a thin layer of pollen, and unless you are within a couple of metres is still look sv shiny.

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I use it Megiuars Gold Class wax, seems rather good to me. Can't compare it to Swissol etc though as never used them.


I had a visit on saturday night,the guy was armed with this gold polish,it has carnuba wax in it,tyre gel and trim shine,crappy pics on members page.

came in just over 20 spots..

and the car looks great !


we used to use autoglym and my old car valeters polish but the megiuars made in the usa stuff has a pad in the top and goes on a treat,dont apply in direct sunlight and you wont go wrong.

I just cant justify paying the price swissol wants for its polish.



so Megiuars for me until its done anyway


hope this helps someone


Roy :infinity:

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I've tried Autoglym, Megiuars and many ohters, but nothing touches the finish I get with the Zymol carnuba wax.


Yes it is expensive and cost about £80 quid for the starter kit, but I've had it 3 years and still on the first lot so it goes a long way.


The first time you use it be ready to put in some time as it's a 3 stage job, but when you come to put on more layers i can do my whole car in under an hour and when I get to the show I just spray on some glaze wipe it over a quick buff ad then spend the next three hours watching as other tried polishing there cars in the sun.


TOP TIP..... Now matter what wax you use try some Megiuars Clay it costs about £10 and will remove all the grime and dirt from you paint and make it feel like glass theres nothing else better.


Also remember that it best to use a wax not a polish like Autoglym the difference is Autoglym remove the old polish when applying a new cost where as with was you are building up layers of protection.


Hope this helps and isn't too boring

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