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bigpants baby

smelly cat

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hi i have 2 problems,the first is a smelly cat or rather what comes out of it(vr corrado me means)

secondly how do you remove the vw badge on the back of a corrado


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Just pull it, mind you, you WILL break the blue clips and then you won't be able to put it back without a visit to the stealers




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how smelly is the cat? A slight smell of sulphur (rotten eggs) is pretty normal for a health cat... :|

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Mine is being pulled off this week. I think it's going into meltdown :cry:


Got a nice bypass pipe to put in it's place tho, and it's shaped like a cat too, so bonus come MOT time.



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Was gonna say, if you push the boat out any further, it'll fall off the edge of the sea...

"Here be dragons", or something, according to my map..

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