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Redex on sale in tesco

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As per title, Redex on sale in Tesco for half price. £2 per bottle so I've just stocked up for a few years :lol:

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Do you use this all the time or say just like every six months , i only fill up 30 quid ish at a time as i never know how much ill drive the car

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Do you use this all the time or say just like every six months , i only fill up 30 quid ish at a time as i never know how much ill drive the car


don't need it all the time. it just cleans the fuel system and injectors.

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Nah, I'm more of a every 3000 miles fella. I usually run it through in the last tank before I give it a service.

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Ahh i see, same as me then


I thought i was missing a trick then thought you was using small amounts on each small fill up for some reason

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Did anyone see last weeks 5th gear, Jason Plato was showing how you can improve the health of an old engine.


He had a VR6 that made 177 on the rollers, after Redex the power went to 185, then after a good service and new leads/plugs the power rose to 188.


I always thought Redex was a bit of a gimmick but I guess it does actually do what it says on the tin.


I'm off to Tesco tomorrow..



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Redex has never done anything in my experience.


I suspect the extra power came from it's upper cylinder lubrication properties. It's just like adding 2 stroke oil to the fuel, but at a much smaller concentration.


It's why cars in the 80s felt less responsive after they pulled leaded petrol. Lead was a good upper cylinder lubricant.


Shove it in by all means (especially if it's cheap) but don't expect a refreshed engine from it :D

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Do you have any idea what's in it, I put some through when it's on offer but I've never noticed any difference really.

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In my experience it works better on cars that maybe don't get looked after quite as well as maybe ours do, or those that get run on crap fuel.


I don't use it all the time, just as part of my usual service routine as an extra clean. Using this deal it'll cost me an extra £1 each time for the next 6 services..... which I can just about cope with.


Edit - Dave, it's basically pure Naptha which I think someone told me is kind of like Kerosine. I used to use it by spraying it straight into air-cooled carbs and it'll clean those in a few seconds.

Edited by mic_VR

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After that episode of 5th gear, I tried some of that Millers fuel treatment.

Does the same thing as Redex but for £12 you get a bottle that does 10x doses and so seemed a better deal that £4 for one dose.

Also the Millers adds 2 Octane points!


Few things I've noticed while running it in a full tank of VPower


Car goes like a rocket and runs very very smooth, my car was clackety on start up but seems quieter. Engine is 142K, head is 35K and chains, tensioners etc have been done.

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Never heard of that Millers stuff, might have to give it a try. Is it a Halfords type job or online order?

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In my experience it works better on cars that maybe don't get looked after quite as well as maybe ours do, or those that get run on crap fuel.


I don't use it all the time, just as part of my usual service routine as an extra clean. Using this deal it'll cost me an extra £1 each time for the next 6 services..... which I can just about cope with.


Edit - Dave, it's basically pure Naptha which I think someone told me is kind of like Kerosine. I used to use it by spraying it straight into air-cooled carbs and it'll clean those in a few seconds.


Naptha is also known as "brake and clutch cleaner", which I wouldn't have thought would shift anything in the tiny concentrations involved here? Soaking the injectors in it overnight with an ultrasonic bath, maybe, but 5 / 95% dilution in petrol, hmmm... I'm not convinced. As I say, imo, the red dye in Redex is oil basically and that is making the upper bores a bit more slippery.


It's another one of those "Through continued use......" cash cowing schemes.


The reason I am skeptical is because modern injected cars have very effective fuel filtration to prevent spray pattern deterioration, which causes poor metering and therefore poor emissions. A big no no since OBD1. The only thing to actually remove is maybe gums and varnishes that build up on the pintles over time, but Redex certainly wouldn't shift that.


For that you need an intensive cleaner where you disconnect the fuel pump and run a canister of cleaner directly through the fuel rail via compressed air.

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