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Passat handles

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My drivers side door andle broke(shock) got one off a passat didnt fit got the catch off the passat it totallt didnt fit, wot gives i thought passat ones fit?? looks miles off



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My drivers side door andle broke(shock) got one off a passat didnt fit got the catch off the passat it totallt didnt fit, wot gives i thought passat ones fit?? looks miles off


You need the mech as well!

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Apparently you can use the front handle too but again you need the locking mechanism too.


Just ordered the set from Volks-apart as my passenger handle gave up the ghost at the weekend. £45 for both sides - handles and mechs.


They even asked if it was for a corrado - obviously its getting a more comman mod!

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Interesting, I'd like to know if you have any problems using the passat fronts, cos I've a feeling my passenger handle is on it's way, and I'd rather not buy a new Corrado one if a Passat one is going to be a) cheaper and b) last much longer.

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dr_mat, passat ones dont last longer


basically, it broke, so he went to the scrappys and took the handles and mechs... but he need locks as key fob broken, ya see any ideas?

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Hmm. Ok, they don't last longer, but still, at £45 for the set that's a bit nicer than £70 each..!!

Do people find the passat *rear* handles last longer then or something? I don't want to be without locks either. I find my C with a flat battery too often to be without door locks too..

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Apparently the Passat handles are slighly less prone to snapping like the C ones do, but the primary reason is cost.


You can fit either front or rear Passat handles, but you need a complete set of mechs as well as the handle.


Most of this including part numbers is covered in the De-locked handles thread (also includes locked handles) here - http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5631

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The passat ones look like they would last longer due to them bein of a slightly different design to the corrado ones, But i had the mechs and the handles and there wa no bloody way the mechs were gonna fit in the corrado door, the latch that the handle uses to lock the door was actually stickin out of the door where the handle goes, i should take a pick eh :lol:

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Gonna see if we do the relevant bits when I get back to work on Monday - could do with de-locking my doors.

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Right folks,


delocked my car yesterday. Easy. You need a Passat handle and matching door locking mechanism for each side.


You also need to take the inner door trim off.


The Corrado handles have a longer arm the opens/ strikes the lock which snaps. They also have a cable that connects to the central locking which you just disconnect, hence having to take off the inner door trim. This was for the key operated locking/total closure. The connect is a balck plug about a hand span up from the bottom of the door and about 2hand spans in from the opening end of the door.


First off remove the screw from the handle - phillips screw next to the locking mech. Slide the handle forward and it will come free. Then disconnect cable if not already done.


Next remove the two brass hex head screws in the locking mech and pull gently on the mech. You will find a plastic cover for the upper door pull, slide this off but do not let it fall. Then unhook the inner door pull from the locking mech. Its a spring loaded hook so screwdriver needed to wedge it open a bit.


Replacing is the same as removal except you do not have the central locking cable. You will need to adjust the white plastic cap on the door handle arm to get it to work. Its on a screw thread. I had the window down at this point so I could open the door. Took approx 3 attempts to get it spot on but for future ref wind out the white plastic cap nearly all the way.


Locks as normal with the alarm fob. Great. I would recommend getting brand new handles though rather than second hand ones like mine. I'll replace them for the respray plus get them colour coded!

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In the top picture you can see the broken L shaped arm plus the white plastic cap you have to adjust on your new passat handle.


The middle photo shows the hook the have to wedge open. The bottom photo shows an intact corrado handle with the white adjustable cap. The two lever arms are for the key and total closure part of the door locking.


Incidentally the new passat handle will look like the 'broken' handle in so much as it will not have the lever arms for the total closure/central locking

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Here is a photo of the 'new' passat handle being fitted.


You can see the white plastic cap on the locking arm that you have to adjust, so that the door will actually open when you use the handle!.

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Absolute saint!! those pic's are what the forum really needed...someone to show us exactly what is what on this swap!

Anyone got a pic of a passat handles mechanism and handle? :wink:

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The passat locking mechanism looks nearly identical to the one you are taking off apart from the child proof lock bit at the bottom. I dremmelled mine off - just incase. Its only in distances, lengths etc that the corrado mechs are just different enough not to fit and work with a passat handle.

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Gonna see if we do the relevant bits when I get back to work on Monday - could do with de-locking my doors.


Unfortunately we don't sell either the Passat rear handles or lock mechanisms :(

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Ive had my 1.8 16v for the best part of a week but purchased it with a broken passenger door handle thinking quick visit to the breakers yard for a quick fix...............errr no, obviously now i know this is a common fault on my newly purchased baby and there about as common as hens teeth and rather expensive to boot, but in my ringing round everyone has said that the corrado and passat door handles can be swapped for each other without the change of the mechanism aslong as the pin is taken out from the handle itself and the lever is replaced with the corrado item from the broken door handle. Has anyone done it this way before or am I listening to fairy stories??? :oops:

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Yep I just bought Corrado ones, sprayed em and slapped em in :lol:


Couldn't be arsed with P'ing about with Passat handles. I would like to have a lock barrel in case the alarm breaks :roll:

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Maybe I didn't read carefully , but has anyone an idea about the difference between a handle with central locking wire and one without ? I found a G60 handle without this wire and I wonder if i can add this wire from the old handle.

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