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Corrado Euge

L-reg Rrado VR6 questions

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MarkGolf posting...






I've just bought an L-Reg corrado VR6 in black...

I'd love i if people could give me background on the engine, obviously its a 2.9, but what else can you tell me about it?


Any help would be appreciated as I know their are soo many variations of VR6 engine specs, coilpack, dizzy, T/B blah blah, thanks



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Erm, open the bonnet and take a look... ;)

L reg VR6: 2.9 litres, distributor, OBD1 connector.

Not much other engine-level things ever changed in the corrado. The majority of the engine changes were reserved for the OBD2 units fitted to the golf from 96 onwards.

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right going by the fact its an L-plate i would reckon its near safe to say it will be coil-pack equipped and the engine will be the ABV VR6,2.9 as you already know...............this is just a bigger bore version of the 2.8 AAA code VR6 AFAIK with different cam-shaft profiles too...........that AFAIK i'm sure some of the other more knowledgable guys on here will correct me if i'm wrong :oops:

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(Thought L-reg would have been dizzy? Dunno, can't remember when the changeover occurred actually!)

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A good engine to have?


I always hear about the coil pack / dizzy debate.. what is in actual fact better and why?


Cheers for the help so far guys! 8)

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Coil pack vs dizzy. Hmmm. Coil pack is more expensive and possibly less reliable (anecdotal evidence suggests this), but offers very slightly better control of spark timing. Performance wise there's unlikely to be much difference, I think.

Other than that, it's the best engine you can have in a Corrado, I'd say! ;)


(Matt dons flame-proof suit to protect from supercharger assaults..)

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Yeah my 94L has a pack of coils.


If you've got an original fit Temic coil pack, it will last 8 to 10 years. The only reason these have bad press is because of the age we bought our cars at, circa 80K for a lot of us. They are a *lot* more reliable than the 'coil over head' packs that the 1.8T engines use.


There is no difference in terms of performance between dizzy and coilpack. Two different approaches for the same job. The coilpack ECU allegedley has 'per cylinder' advance/retard capability but I'm a little sceptical the Bosch Motronic 2.9 is that clever to be honest. Happy to be proven wrong though.



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