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Radar cruise control!

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Being a car enthusiast, I do find it quite interesting when I get to try new technologies in cars. This weekend I was in Germany and my hire car turned out to be a Volvo XC60. Aside from liking the car quite a lot (diesel, automatic, electric everything.. I really am an old man!!) it had radar guided cruise control which was a new one on me.


Essentially you could programme whatever speed you wanted as per any cruise control system, but then it would monitor what the traffic was doing in front of you and basically keep pace with whatever car you were following. They speed up, you speed up. They slow down, you slow down. It even worked in town and would actually bring you down to a controlled stop at traffic lights (again, assuming you were behind another car). Then when it was time to set off, you dab the throttle once to wake it up and away it goes. You also had a few buttons which would allow you to control how much of a gap you left, so it wasn't just a fixed distance and it seemed to be smarter in town in terms of keeping a little closer anyway.


It was quite spooky, but was amazing how quickly I got used to it - and I really liked it. I guess there will be those that say "I prefer to DRIVE my car, and not let some computer do it" and I agree to some extent.. but it's nice to have the choice I guess.


Did need one or two tweeks.. if the car you were following turned off at a junction, and you were planning to follow them, the car in front would leave the road before you did - at which point the radar cruise would say "Ok.. road is clear.. accelerate" - right at the point you were going to turn the wheel to take the corner :) So definitely required you to deactivate the system at that point.


It's kind of funny as probably like a few people on here, whilst I've owned a few newer cars, I've spent the majority of my driving "career" behind the wheel of a Corrado. You get very used to the lack of creature comforts and toys such that ANY gadgets fitted to cars are a novelty. Expensive modern stuff is increasingly starting to feel like something from the FUTURE compared to the Corrado! :)

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You get very used to the lack of creature comforts and toys such that ANY gadgets fitted to cars are a novelty. Expensive modern stuff is increasingly starting to feel like something from the FUTURE compared to the Corrado! :)


very true. Seems like an interesting experience though!

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Nah, my C has cruise control, OK without radar, but it still works very nicely on the motorways. Aircon was pleasant on the journey to the Nat Day last year, so what more do you want in a sports car?


They're interesting gadgets from a technology and engineering point of view, no doubt, but I foresee problems with too many people becoming too dependent on these new technologies and as a result increased switching off of brains amongst drivers, resulting in more crashes (into our beloved Cs :-O), when said drivers will argue along the lines of ¨It wasn't my fault, it was the car's fault!¨.



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I don't even notice the lack of air con in mine now, except on the hottest of days. In almost every weather I love having the sunroof open. It would feel very odd to have modern technology in the Corrado as it's character doesn't suit it. But I do like tech in the family car.

Edited by Portent

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I agree in that they are very novel and quite fun for a short while, but other than basic cruise control which is good on a quiet motorway, I never feel as relaxed when driving with "aids". (No big A jokes!). I find I have to concentrate more and become hyper aware with these things, and just end up becoming more and more agitated that it doesn't do what I want to do, especially even with a small amount of road traffic. Driving is usually a pleasurable experience for me, and "toys" do nothing to enhance the driving experience.

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I enquired about air con in mine when I had the engine transplant done,

"No problem,but it would mean a smaller inter cooler !"

So I too use my sunroof ! lol

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