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Wet footwells

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Hi All,


I have noticed my footwells in both driver and passenger seats are damp.

The heater matrix has been long bypassed, so I dont think its coolant from the cooling system.

The doors seem to have intact seals running around so I dount think its coming in there either.


Does anyone know possibly where its coming from?

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Have you checked if your sunroof drains, front & rear & both sides, are clear? they are easy to blow out with an airline


I think if they are blocked you can get damp footwells

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The sunroof does't even work. Only the tilt not the slide. How do I even check the sunroof drains?


It wouldn't be anythign to do with the seals that so down either side of the roof would it, like where you would attach a roofrwack if you could, these were cracking so I took them both off?

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  MoonlightVR6 said:
The sunroof does't even work. Only the tilt not the slide. How do I even check the sunroof drains?


It wouldn't be anythign to do with the seals that so down either side of the roof would it, like where you would attach a roofrwack if you could, these were cracking so I took them both off?


Hmm it might be tricky to check sunroof drains if you cant slide it open. Is the sunroof mechanism broken or do you know if you can safely wind it onto slide manually?


If you can get it wound open, look from outside the car & above & you will see 4 small holes, 1 at each corner, on the sunroof mechansim. blow them out with an airline & then test by pouring small amount of water down & see if you can see it come out on the floor. i think the drains end just behind the wings


Im not sure on the roof rack rails part but it could well be that they have to be present to stop leaks.


Have you tired pouring water on your roof whilst a friend looks inside to see if you can identify where it is coming from?

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Dont rule out your door seals even if they look good , take them off and see if any part of the inside of the seal is wet or if tou have any water drip marks on the inner sill , mi e was leaking from there and my seals looked perfect


Also if its both sides then you have two points of entry your looking for as it wont just jump over the center tunnel wich means for now i would rule out the scuttle tray seal under the bonnet , check for a badly fitted screen aswell as they can leak from there


I took the interior out fully to dry it out and get rid of the sodden soundproof matariel and totally dry the car out , once every thing was dry i set up a hose to "rain" on the car and then i quickly jumped in the car and sat and waited for water to appear , once i found the leak ( door seals ) i took them off and crimped the seal a bit tighter all the way round and then sealed them back on with tiger seal


Hope that helps

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Passenger side leaks could be caused by a failed foliage cover seal.

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It wasn't completley sodden - so you could run your finger through it and make a little puddle. It was pretty damp though, like, rub a tissue on it and the tissue will be wet.


I'll wait for it to rain again and see if it gets wet again. It rained the other day and i felt it and it wasn't wet so I dunno what has happened.

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I sometimes get wet nearside footwells if the car is parked on a slope - front if parked downhill and rear if parked uphill. It has to be utterly lashing it down too!!

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As sean-jaymo says, but also if they are clear where the drains attach to the sunroof cartridge they need sealing.

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  Sean_Jaymo said:
Those kind of leaks are caused by blocked Sunroof drains.


can i ask is there any right and wrong way to clean the sunroof drains?

As i'm wanting to do mine at some point just to be on the safe side, i don't have any issues at present.

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Hmm - I have poured water down each channel and it drains out at the front and rear drain thingies near the wheels so I assume they're not blocked. This sealing idea - how's the best way to seal them, and where should I be sealing - any pics? Many thanks :)

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Here's a pic before I sealed mine, just run some silicone sealant along the edge of the plastic trim where it meets the frame on all 4 corners. I poured water down the sunroof channels and even though they were free drops were coming out of that area. Hope this helps. (Roof lining out)

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