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rear brake calipers

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just spent the last 3 hours or so undoing 2 seized rear caliper carrier bolts,why the fcuk did vw use allen head bolts instead of normal bolts ill never know...so any tips on getting the 2 bolts off the other side undone??wouldnt be so bad but the new discs ive got are no bloody good :mad: :mad:

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Plenty of WD40/DuckOil and a small cooking blow torch are the only ways I've found of freeing the sodding things off when they don't want to play.... :?


Good luck! 8)

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Another way of getting a seized bolt off is to give it a good sideways shock with a hammer and chisel which breaks the seal made by the rust/corrosion between the bolt and piece of metal it's screwed in to.

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I had exactly the same prob a couple of weeks ago and was saying exactly the same thing about those s*dding allen key bolts. The way I got them off was using a centre punch on the side of the bolt head to start it off, need to give it a good whack with a club hammer though (not goos when your fingers are a couple of inches away :x . After that use an allen key socket if the hex isn't too badly rounded otherwise mole grips will do.

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finally got them out,heat didnt worg,had to use a socket and a big hammer to smack it over the top of the head then use brute force to get them undone...problem is now though,my local stealers havent any bolts in stock :? :shock: :mad:

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When I did these on a Golf someone had already tried and rounded the bolts off. Good old dremmel came to the rescue, cut a slot through the head then used a flat screwdriver attachment (chizel size) for a socket set to undo it. Think I had to butcher the rubber bit though for access so needed new ones. Refitted the new ones and covered the heads with wax oil.

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ill deffinetly be putting some copper grease on them now..and now to top things off my calipers are fcuked,so i need some new ones...so thats deva dubs show off the list for me now :mad:

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