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Brunty's Dad

Transporting a boot lid and bonnet

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My VR6 was collected from the body shop less than 2 weeks ago. Beautiful aqua blue pearl. On holiday in Scotland yesterday when a sheep ran out from behind a parked vehicle about 15 feet in front of me. It could have been worse, 1 dead sheep, nearside headlight unit and indictor destroyed and the corner of the bonnet (resprayed inside and out) l have traced the lights and a bonnet should one be needed. Does anyone know if a bonnet will fit inside a Corrado with the rear seats down or removed? The same source has a boot lid which my son needs, hence the double question.

David tells me that the answer is somewhere on the forum but I can't find it.



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ouch! poor sheep but even more poor rado


im sure something attracts bad events to fresh paint on rado's :(


good luck

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It's a question that's come up many times over the years - but apparently a bonnet will not go in a Corrado no matter how much interior trim you remove and what angles you try to fit it in :(

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So leave your damaged bonnet with the vendor and put your sons new boot in the back of you C?

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Going off at a tangent, apologies, as I can't find a suitable thread. Apart from the bonnet I lost the N/S headlight unit. Traced one from a breaker and fitted it within the week. S**t happens! Replacement unit shattered by a stone on M6 on the way home. (Really don't like that road south of Preston). I have the choice of a dozen or more offside units but very limited N/S. The reflectors are undamaged and I have been told that it is possible to replace just the lens? GSF list them but without delivery. Out of stock within 100 miles of home. Anyone know of a source? Second option. Can early model lights be adapted/fitted to late VR6.

As a last resort, are the American modern replacements legal in the UK? I also found units on ebay with French yellow reflectors. Can these be replaced by the undamaged parts in my light unit? I can afford to take my time as some strong clear adhesive tape will keep me legal. Any advice appreciated.

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