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Rear beam question , Sprinter mag .

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Evening all .

I have just recieved my new sprinter mag , looking forward to reading it . On having a quick glance through it , i saw the refurbished beam . Mine is going in for the same treatment soon , i noticed on one of the pics the cables attatched to it . The beam i have that is going in for powdercoating only has stubs left on it , where the old stuff was attached , if i dont have any fixings ,is this going to be a problem ?. I dont want to pay to have it done and have a problem when refitting . I have not really looked at the beam on my car to see hoe cables are fixed and a friend has the manual atm . Any info would be great , thankyou .

Kind Regards


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Do you mean the handbrake cables Rob? If so, theyre attached using these.





Edit, just had a look myself. If its the ABS sensor cables, they attach using a plastic guide type thing. Pretty sure I remember Goldie selling one recently, but either way I don't think they'll be expensive. Probably attach by pushing onto those stubs iirc.

Edited by seanl82

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Thanks Sean , I will get a pair of these , there is one on the beam ATM . I seem to have some stubs of metal though? , like there was a fixing for something and it's been ground off ?

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Hey, if its any help to you I was pulling bits off one at the breakers on monday and noticed that along with the clips mentioned there was another bracket that clamped round the cable and clipped to the trailing arm, almost looked like a thin gauge door hinge, and could well of fitted to the stubs if the location tallies. will try and get a photo if it helps as I'm down there over the weekend. Need to get this sorted on mine as well as i've just refitted my new painted beam.


Cheers, Max.

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I think thats correct mate. Are they threaded? I have some on my spare rear beam but its not with me so can't check, but I seem to remember them being threaded...........


They're like the stubs where the cable clips attach in the bay for the bonnet release cable for instance, or the same as for the heatshield speed washers.


Ahh, that rings a bell too what Max has said.

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I can check on mine tomorrow as i'm over the garage. They might show it on vag-cat come to think of it. Yeah I think your right, from memory they attached just like the heatshield washers, like folded onto the cable then the whole bracket pushed up onto the studs. don't quote me on that though ;-)

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Yeah just checked vag-cat, part number is 1H0609734 or possibly with a d or c at the end, have a check, but I'm sure thats the one. Cheers.

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Great info ,thankyou so much , both of you . I will check for the parts . I wonder if i can rob the parts off my beam , when it comes to it . Thinking about it though if what ever the part attatches to has been ground off , i will have problems refitting wont i ?

Thanks again .

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Possibly mate. May be worth building it up a little before having it blasted and coated. Do you know anyone able to put a few weld blobs on top of whats left? You may be able to grind it into shape with a dremel perhaps........

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Maybe Sean . I will have a look under the car on sunday , work is so busy atm and with it being dark by the time you get home , it will be the only time to have a look .

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