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VR6 and G60 prices

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Has anyone noticed recently that the prices for vr's are going down but the prices of g60 are going up!! I tend to keep an eye on autotrader quite a bit just to see how the Corrado prices in general are getting on and lately I have been beginning to wonder what is going on.

No offence to g60 owners (I want one aswell as my vr) but the vr6 is regarded by many as the one to buy (Timo ducks!! :p ). That's according to Top Gear obviously not my personal opinion (phew, got out of that one easily :lol: ).

Seriously though, has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?


I suppose they do tend to be more modified than the vr but still, people tend to pay a premium for cars that are more original. Ahhh, I dont know :?


Just my Friday afternoon nonsense :p



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Funny that, us Mods had this very discussion last night :lol:


The reason is, everybody with a VR is now discovering how shite and unreliable, not to mention slow, they are and are dumping them for G60s :wink: Supply and demand!

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Maybe people with *good* VR's are holding on to them and so it's mostly the cheaper end of the scale that are being sold?!?


ps I'm not saying that everyone selling a VR is selling a dog btw :lol:

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Funny that, us Mods had this very discussion last night :lol:


The reason is, everybody with a VR is now discovering how shite and unreliable, not to mention slow, they are and are dumping them for G60s :wink: Supply and demand!


shite - WHAT!!!!!!


unreliable - Mmmm, I cant get out of that one considering the things that have gone bye, bye since buying mine.


slow - Eh?


Are you taking the pi$$?? :lol:



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yep, bang on the nail there.


all vr6's need timing chains and head rebuilds by now, and it's an expensive job, so no one wants to fork out £1000 to have it done.

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hate to admit it, but you do have a point there. Just took a few minutes to sink in!! :cry: :cry:


Love it all the same though and will never sell it!!! :mrgreen:




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Funny that, us Mods had this very discussion last night :lol:


The reason is, everybody with a VR is now discovering how shite and unreliable, not to mention slow, they are and are dumping them for G60s :wink: Supply and demand!


shite - WHAT!!!!!!


unreliable - Mmmm, I cant get out of that one considering the things that have gone bye, bye since buying mine.


slow - Eh?


Are you taking the pi$$?? :lol:


Yes he is taking the pi$$ :lol:



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You got to consider that in most cases the charger will at least need servicing on most G60's I would have thought at their age?

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I think its the fact that VR6's have always been more and are just dropping more like a 10 year old car would, where as the G60 has done its major come down and has just leveled out more, with all the knackered examples off the road now. The vr6 should do the same.


Its cause people on here can remember when VR6 corrado's were 10k plus second hand, not so with the G60. bet theres not many G60 owners on here who paid 10k plus for there car.


Edit: like kev said about supply and demand, i bet theres loads more vr6s for sale then g60s in the country today.

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Yeah I was taking the P Timo :lol:


The trouble is, I've spent a fortune on mine to get it to what I consider to be quick (more to come), smooth and reliable.


The ones at the lower price range (tested by Jo public with no knowledge of Cs) will be utter dogs and flat as a fart compared to the well prepared and treated ones on here, and that could be half the problem. And news of 100K timing chain jobs travels fast.


G-Laders aren't increasing in numbers either, so that could be a reason for their increase in demand. The VR has carried onto the R cars now and anything else VW can fit it in, but the G Lader, that's it. End of, never to be seen again and that will attract the die hard enthusiasts with an eye for the Old Skool.

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Plus G60's can be tuned into VR eaters for not very much money :)


Its a difficult thing to understand, but I think it does come down to rareity - there are surely going to be a LOT more VR6's around considering they were sold in the UK from 1992-1995/6, whereas the RHD G60 only had one or two years at it as initial batches were LHD only.


Prices do seem a bit high for them, but i'm not going to complain - this might be the increase in Corrado prices we have all been waiting for, as it cruises into classic status!!

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Maybe I should buy a g60 now before they get even more expensive (I wish £££££££££)


Maybe next year :lol:


How much does a G-Lader service cost? service interval's about 60k, ain't it?


The G60 is.... a bit more exclusive. Thats what made me interested in one when I was first looking for a Corrado. The thought of supercharged power. :lol: I did a bit of research and found out about the reliabitlity of the lader and thought... No thanks. Maybe I should have dug deeper and maybe found out about the VR's 100k nightmare!!! :twisted:


My old boy persuaded me away from the g60 and onto the VR cos of the 'Classic' status. Nevermind eh!!! Roll on the best of both worlds!!!




P.S. Kev you're a naughty boy!!! You had me doubting my car!!! Never again :mrgreen:

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The g-lader isn't that unreliable if treated correctly..


Making sure you change the oil every 3000 miles or so, avoiding big cone filters which potentially allow larger particles of dust in to the charger, and letting the car get up to proper temperature before spanking it will see it live a long and healthy life. I was reading a post by a guy on the Corrado Club of America who was on a 190,000 mile charger which had never been rebuilt and was running (or as he put it, RACING) a 68mm pulley for the past 90,000 miles - and it was still putting out strong boost. So it can be done.


As for charger rebuild prices.. none of the charger rebuilders seem to 'advertise' the cost, so I am gonna have to guess at around the £400-£500 mark. With a smaller pulley (68mm) that 60,000 mile rebuild period drops heavily down to 30,000 or even less if you run a 65mm pulley. But after those 30,000 miles a rebuild is not always necessary - just break open the case and check everything is looking ok, and rebuild if its not!

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Plus G60's can be tuned into VR eaters for not very much money :)


It's flattering that VW's 'touring' engine is used as a benchmark for you G60 boys, but why try and aspire to beating a big old heavy VR? Set your sights higher! Go and chase those Focus RSs and Type Rs :lol:

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none of the charger rebuilders seem to 'advertise' the cost,


£370 -5% forum discount for a standard rebuild... :lol: there you go jim

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How about if someone offered you either a G60 or a VR6 for nothing, which would you take?


(Obviously, similar conditions, with pros and cons for each car etc..)

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How about if someone offered you either a G60 or a VR6 for nothing, which would you take?


(Obviously, similar conditions, with pros and cons for each car etc..)


For me, VR, no contest. G60s can be quick no doubt, but they lack the understated class and sophistication of the VR lump, IMHO! In gear, on cam, with induction kit, the VR is lovely car!!

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Agreed, defo VR.


Although a 2.0 G60 built by Stealth might sway me.


I've had all the engines except G60 - 16V, 8V, 16V Turbo, driven 2.0 and standard G60s and now a VR and I can honestly say a Schricked and cam'd VR is just sublime. Deceptively fast, incredibley smooth and quiet (I hate induction noise so have the factory box) and tractable and useable like no other VW engine. The 16V T is my all time favourite engine though, it just pulls and pulls with zero lag. Awesome.

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Hate induction noise?

Kev, I'll have to take you for a spin mate - a VR with induction kit is one of THE great sounding engines!


Been out in VRs with K&N 57is and BMC CDAs and didn't rate the noise at all. I prefer the subdued and mellow tones of the OE exhaust.

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How about if someone offered you either a G60 or a VR6 for nothing, which would you take?


(Obviously, similar conditions, with pros and cons for each car etc..)



sorry the VR wins everytime for me.................G60's are nice and very very tuneable,but just give the VR some throttle and its aural pleasure of the highest degree 8) ........with decent enough performance too................i've only really driven 3 G60's(skid's,Dubster82's and Pau1's old one)and all have been subtly different states of tune and tbh......the one i like the most(to drive) is Skid's and that only has a Milltek with the standard pulley/chip/charger

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How about if someone offered you either a G60 or a VR6 for nothing, which would you take?


(Obviously, similar conditions, with pros and cons for each car etc..)


The VR, Cos is someone offered me a corrado for free, it you be knackered i bet, and i'd take the VR and strip it, selling the parts to make money, to make my G60 go even faster :p

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How about if someone offered you either a G60 or a VR6 for nothing, which would you take?


(Obviously, similar conditions, with pros and cons for each car etc..)


The VR, Cos is someone offered me a corrado for free, it you be knackered i bet, and i'd take the VR and strip it, selling the parts to make money, to make my G60 go even faster :p


How predictable, but that wasn't the point was it?

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none of the charger rebuilders seem to 'advertise' the cost,


£370 -5% forum discount for a standard rebuild... :lol: there you go jim


lol.. well thanks Darren.. thats a lot cheaper than I thought it would be :)

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