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Jim Bowen

Exhaust heat shields

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Pulled all the heat shields off from under the car and most of them have rotted away around the fixing discs.


Are they still available to buy or is there a way to repair them, I could just use a large washer then refit the clips. Would prefer replacements as its going to be a bore cleaning them up.

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In the same boat boss, was in dealers yesterday and asked about it, he said discontinued and didn't even think Heritage would stock them, so basically after good second hand which I imagine will prove a pretty thankless task.

However if you manage to come up with something I'd ove to know. I did think about trying to get some from a newer model with similar tunnel layout but haven't had a chance to poke round the scrappy as yet, I imagine it's s dead end though.

I think people have repaired with adhesive aluminium foil stuff, I was also considering using this to effectively re-trim them so they appeared new. Probably end up getting some second hand ones and doing just this.



Edited by Bs6VR6

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Good question Jim - I've got the same issue I'm looking to solve. I've bought new washers for the areas, but my plan is to buy a heat shield from another car and cut it up, mould (hammer!) it flat, and use as repair patches with a small drilled hole in the middle. Not ideal, but will do the job I think, and given no-one will see it, the look of it doesn't matter.


Will not get round to it for a few weeks, but will post pics when I do. However, would be good to hear other ideas for this.

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The 2 rear ones (1 under the backbox and 1 over the middle box) are still available from VW.

Part numbers are:

1H0803310B IS £101.29+VAT

1H0804155A IS £67.64+VAT


Both parts are on back order so approx 2-3 weeks i believe.

The small shield on the petrol tank is also available.


Not sure if the tunnel shields are available though.

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Nice one, Thats the two i need, the little one is ok.


I thought they would probably be expensive, i might try cleaning mine up and sticking washers on them :lol:

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If I'd have known, you could have had mine for half price and I'd have paid the extra for new ones! They are all great and have been cleaned.

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The 2 rear ones (1 under the backbox and 1 over the middle box) are still available from VW.

Part numbers are:

1H0803310B IS £101.29+VAT

1H0804155A IS £67.64+VAT


Both parts are on back order so approx 2-3 weeks i believe.

The small shield on the petrol tank is also available.


Not sure if the tunnel shields are available though.


Going to try order these on Tuesday. Will see what happens.

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Been to order today, They could only get one of them, The other part number he said was for a SEAT, which has left me confused as i used above numbers and also some from vagcat which were slightly different. Managed to get the £101.29 one.


Might have to try and repair the other one. Also can't buy the brackets from rear axle that hold the brake pipe as it leaves the caliper.

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Been to order today, They could only get one of them, The other part number he said was for a SEAT, which has left me confused as i used above numbers and also some from vagcat which were slightly different. Managed to get the £101.29 one.


Might have to try and repair the other one. Also can't buy the brackets from rear axle that hold the brake pipe as it leaves the caliper.


The heat shield part numbers came directly from my heat shields when I took them off. That new one does look good though.


Brake pipe brackets are obsolete, I think I must have got some of the last ones as I bought some just before Christmas. If you clips are ok, you can always wire wheel them and have them re-plated

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The little lugs snapped off my brake clips. Am thinking of drilling a small hole through them and then tap a thread so i can bolt them on.


New heatshield is almost too new. It'll make the others look old now. Oh well i won't be looking under there too much.

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