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Slow Forum Web Site???

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The last couple of days the forum has been really slow to load. Just wondered if anyone else has got this problem.

All other sites i go on load super fast.

My internet is spot on done all the checks etc etc.


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Same for me on the desktop and the laptop,to the point it just hangs until there is a time out, but very quick on iPhone and iPad?

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It's weird - I use the forum a fair amount and I honestly have not seen this yet. If anyone else experiences this please keep reporting it so Andi can look into it.. ideally with exact times it's happening so logs can be checked!

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I tried chrome there instead of Firefox and it's quicker for sure......still super fast on iPad/iPhone

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I'm using chrome was shockingly slow and error 404 time out web site not running etc. It's a lot better today first time i have been able to look at my post since i put it on.

I'm using Apple Mac and have never had any other trouble with any other web site just the forum, hmmm strange goings on.

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I'm using chrome was shockingly slow and error 404 time out web site not running etc. It's a lot better today first time i have been able to look at my post since i put it on.

I'm using Apple Mac and have never had any other trouble with any other web site just the forum, hmmm strange goings on.


Same fault as well

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I'm totally stumped. I do check in on the site multiple times per day and honestly haven't had a single instance of the slowdown yet. Baffling.

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I'm with Sky too and have not noticed anything untoward. Windows 8 on laptop, on the Ipad, and also on the phone with Android. :shrug:

Edited by seanl82

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I use my phone/iPad 99.9% of the time so it's of no stress to me, only letting it be known so Andi knows.

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nightmarish yesterday, struggling to log in, and reload page.....with bt all other sites ok, got 509 error message one time if that helps any admin?

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Update for Jim.

I'm on virgin media 150 meg speed. Mega fast on everything no problems on any other web site.

Forum has been better but today it's gone slow again.

Don't know what the problem is. My son is clued up on computers and everything internet, he is baffled by this and has put it down to a problem with the forum. Maybe ip address based dunno ?????

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Another quick update, Right, i can get on the website, then it starts to go all weird, click on a post any post and i get the good old failed to load page of doom,Error 504, this is only on Google Chrome, Apple's safari is fine no problems at all so far. My internet is solid and has no problems loads every other site. (even on Chrome).

Dunno i'm stumped...:scratch: :bonk:

Edited by Ray1965

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Hm. I can't help but wonder if one of your browsers is configure to go through some kind of weird proxy?!

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Seems to be my turn for this today, having not experienced it at all until now.


Non-car technical stuff to follow ;)

Looks like Cloudflare's having problems reaching the origin, a couple of page loads have resulted in 502/504s from them, and when the page does load (but slowly) it's assets on the page which are loading slowly (or 504ing) holding up the browser. Things which load quickly have Cloudflare's HIT header; things which are slow have MISS so it's definitely related to the origin.


Example from loading this page to post here: http://cloud.jamesoff.net/image/1u3j1o3c1V1n - the blue line (DOMContentLoaded event) is just under 10s, the red one (Load event) is just over 15s.


Some of the things which aren't loading include the .js files for the editor and wotnot so it's throwing errors in the console related to that too.

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