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VR6: Stalling coming to junctionp

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Cheers wayne, i was considering taking my car to my local garage to do the rad change, but i thought it was about time i got ripped in and do it myself and it was surprisingly easy to do.

Looked up the do and dont's on the forum and just took my time. Job was done in 4 hours not bad if a say so myself. :smug:

Hope you get your problems sorted.

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  Ray1965 said:
Cheers wayne, i was considering taking my car to my local garage to do the rad change, but i thought it was about time i got ripped in and do it myself and it was surprisingly easy to do.

Looked up the do and dont's on the forum and just took my time. Job was done in 4 hours not bad if a say so myself. :smug:

Hope you get your problems sorted.


U natural then Ray!

Last four hour "simple" job for me was putting up one shelf above fire place!


And it was still at an angle afterwards! Lol




No buds :(

Got so scare today stalling 6 times during lunch.

Then another 3 times on way home,

I decided not to drive to work next 2 days.

Car going into garage on Friday - but limited garage to one hour labour to try to find the problem.


Though I may still drive the car at night for my kids activities - less traffic so less stress then...

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  Chuggs1 said:
Lol No not yet... Think I know where I am. But another beer and not sure haha




Hope u not got beer in one hand and replying on phone in other and driving with your feet ;-)

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  Chuggs1 said:
I need to find a forum member in swindon area to help me lol


I'm just down the road in Gloucester, not brilliant with the spanners but trying to learn too - My back up is a friend a few miles away who is a VW/Audi Specialist!!


If I can help or you need some advice just PM me?



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  Chuggs1 said:
Thanks Ian. When spring comes at last we should get a meet set up.


Make sure u not drinking this time! ;-)

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Haha.... I did have a good excuse last night... Today is my birthday and had a few friends over. Now what can my next excuse be? Haha

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  Chuggs1 said:
Haha.... I did have a good excuse last night... Today is my birthday and had a few friends over. Now what can my next excuse be? Haha





There is an option to filled inside with whisky too! ;)



next excuse "a post-bday do"?

Edited by Wayne2015

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I had this a few years ago. I changed:


Plugs, leads, cleaned the ISV and also changed the Throttle Position Sensor - the last one cleared up the issue. It had thrown up an intermittent error code on vag-com. See if you can get your car hooked up on Vag-Com to see if it's got any errors :)


I've owned my 'rado for best part of 10 years and STILL like watching the spoiler lol

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  timmaaah said:
I had this a few years ago. I changed:


Plugs, leads, cleaned the ISV and also changed the Throttle Position Sensor - the last one cleared up the issue. It had thrown up an intermittent error code on vag-com. See if you can get your car hooked up on Vag-Com to see if it's got any errors :)


I've owned my 'rado for best part of 10 years and STILL like watching the spoiler lol



Thanks Tim!

Will jot that down too for garage to look at!

Hopefully they can hook it up !

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It's worth checking the battery cables. When my earth cable was loose it would occasionally stall when coming to a stop.

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  Portent said:
It's worth checking the battery cables. When my earth cable was loose it would occasionally stall when coming to a stop.


Already on check list - thanks!

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The dashpot is a little damper under the throttle body cam. It basically stops the butterfly in the throttle body slamming shut when you take your foot off the gas. Check this by manually opening the throttle with the cam and then letting it spring shut. It should slowly close once it hits the white seat of the dashpot. If it doesn't then you'll need to get a replacement dashpot. Could be a causal factor.

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  fla said:
The dashpot is a little damper under the throttle body cam. It basically stops the butterfly in the throttle body slamming shut when you take your foot off the gas. Check this by manually opening the throttle with the cam and then letting it spring shut. It should slowly close once it hits the white seat of the dashpot. If it doesn't then you'll need to get a replacement dashpot. Could be a causal factor.


Thanks! :)


On the list too now!



Hope more suggestions come in!

As I then have a list for garage to look at quickly this Friday!




I really REALLY do NOT want to cancel my 3 day mini driving tour down south (West Yorks - Portsmouth) - my kids looking forward to it!


And with the suspensions height increased - I can safely put my foot down too :) :) :)

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  Wayne2015 said:
Thanks Tim!

Will jot that down too for garage to look at!

Hopefully they can hook it up !


It's worth buying a cheap code reader off ebay like this one - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Car-Diagnostic-Tool-U281-OBD2-CAN-BUS-Fault-Code-Reader-for-VW-Audi-Skoda-Seat-/290987216944?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item43c0309030


You don't have to be a mechanic to use it and the codes are very useful in pin-pointing faults before you even get to a garage. You should get your money back in no time Wayne ;)

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  Hairyarse said:
It's worth buying a cheap code reader off ebay like this one - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Car-Diagnostic-Tool-U281-OBD2-CAN-BUS-Fault-Code-Reader-for-VW-Audi-Skoda-Seat-/290987216944?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item43c0309030


You don't have to be a mechanic to use it and the codes are very useful in pin-pointing faults before you even get to a garage. You should get your money back in no time Wayne ;)




Thanks Andy! :)


I thought u had buy a special £200+ cable to plug to a laptop for such things?


And at only £12 - why don't all garage have one???

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