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Roger Chatfield

Headliner cleaning, tips please.

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Hi all, I've managed to pick up a B4 Passat glass sunroof (Many thanks to GlosterOx) and I'm hoping to fit it soon.


However, the sunshade has a few marks on it, also my headlining is also dirty so I thought while I have it out I'll give it all a good clean.


So, what's the best way to clean it? Anyone recommend a product to use on it etc?


Many thanks



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I used APC diluted in a squeezy bottle Rog. Be very cautious with how much you spray on though. I then scrubbed very lightly with an upholstery brush (shoe polish brush is exactly the same) after dunking it in a bucket of water, and flicking off excess water. Finally gently wipe it over with a clean microfibre to get the suds and moisture off.

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I'm lazy so didn't clean my headliner when I fitted the Passat sun roof, but will have a go in the summer (if I'm not too busy driving the raddo or BBQing).


It's a great modification and you'll love the light that floods into the cabin.

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Use APC diluted 10:1 in a spray bottle.


A bucket of warm water and a microfibrer cloth.


Spray on the roof lining to give it a light mist, let it sit there for a few minutes.


Wring out much water as you can from the cloth, then wipe the headlining in straight lines #


Rinse the cloth in the bucket of water and repeat with wiping the same section of the roof lining.


If the water starts getting to dirty, change the water


Try and break it down in 4 sections, so that it's not all damp at once.


You can do the same method even if it's inside the car.


For APC, I use Megs APC or Daisy from tesco which is cheap but I guess any decent APC cleaner will do.

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Retrim is the best option if you fancy a change m colour. Cost me £50 in material, glue etc. job was easy, do your research and take you time. Having never done anything like this before I'd say the rssults are 99% perfect.


The alternative was £400 for someone to do it.

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I used Vanish carpet cleaner from an aerosol can, scrubbed it in gently with a washing-up brush, let it dry thoroughly then vacuum it off. Finally buff it up with a stiff brush. Even on a beige panel it looks absolutely clean, it even took the dirt lines at the side trims off.


Incidentally, I reinforced the corners at the sunroof/reading light panel opening, where it could break when you put it back in, by bonding some thin plastic onto the fibreboard at the back with superglue. I did the same at the tabs which locate the liner into the back of the roof near the hatchdoor.

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Incidentally, I reinforced the corners at the sunroof/reading light panel opening, where it could break when you put it back in, by bonding some thin plastic onto the fibreboard at the back with superglue. I did the same at the tabs which locate the liner into the back of the roof near the hatchdoor.


that's a good idea!

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So, thanks for all the tips friends, I had a go at this yesterday.






And after.




Tools of the trade...lol



I used the wifes Vanish carpet cleaner for the first clean then Auto Glym interior shampoo for the second clean, I used loads of paper towel to dry up and a cut down paint brush to agitate the spray..


All in all I'm very pleased with the results.



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