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M15 VW

Wiring woes

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I have a plug that looks a little like the ecu plug laying in the passenger footweld, any ideas?


also what does the plug for the VDO look like, colour/shape/position on fuse box?




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Hmmm, does it run to the front or the back of the car? Do your windows and central locking work? Without seeing what the connector looks like it's hard to tell... it could be something simple like a lead that went to a multi disk changer that has been semi ripped out by a previous owner...


Sorry have just read that back to myself and it doesn't really help much does it :roll: :wink: :lol:

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The ABS ECU is behind the passenger kick panel..... could be that?


As Phil says, we need more info.


What do you mean by 'The VDO' ? The instruments?


Tsk, I dunno, you've only had it 5 minutes and you've broken it already :lol:

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the loom is a complete mess nothing works, well nothings plugged in either!


I didnt break it, it was like that honest!

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:shock: by crikey, thats a mess - looks like you've got a bit of a project on your hands... hope you work it all out! How much did you get the VR for if you don't mind me asking?

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Looks like you are missing the ABS brain. I think the car will brake without it but wont obviously provide you with the anti lock. This might invalidate your insurance as ABS was standard on the car. :(

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I've got to ask .... Did you take the car on knowing it was in this state?


I hope it was damn cheap otherwise :)


All the best luck fixing it though - at least it's another one that's still alive :)

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yeh i did buy it knowing it was in this state and the seller made sure i knew exactly how bad it was and insited us going to see it first.


Yes it was cheap



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Where are the carpets? If they weren't provided you'll have a heart attack when you go to the dealer for a new set! S/hand wil be the only option!


Or you could get some nice Lino from Allied or something? :lol:


Anyway, providing none of the looms are cut in silly places, it should all piece back together nicely. The ABS ECU will cost you a small fortune if you can't get a s/hand one. Assume that's been swiped too?

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does it need to be from a vr6? will that one fit mine?


it says only post to germany!!!!!!!

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M15 VW, Why bother putting carpets back in,be different try laminate flooring,apparently it`s all the rage :lol: :lol:

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