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Paint flecks all over my car

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Sunday morning car wash and polish time.


As I was washing it I noticed the paint felt really dry and gritty. I first thought it was tree sap and dust, but after the car had dried I had a closer inspection, the whole car is covered in tiny specks of white paint! I would guess that while it was in the garage for three weeks, someone has not covered the car and proceeded to undercoat somebody elses!!!


I've started cleaning it off my windows using a rag, petrol and loads of elbow grease.


But what can I do about the paint work? I've tried using polish, no effect. I tried using T-Cut on the wing mirrors and it seemed to clean them up nicely, but I had to rub really hard, I don't fancy doing this on large areas like the bonnet!


Any suggestions? Any products that might help? Really not impressed :mad:

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I'd take it straight back to the garage mate and kick up one HELL of a fuss! How annoying is that?? Get the jerks to give you a full respray!


Tell you this, getting cranky does work. My Mum had a little altercation with a van (her other half reversed into it the other day with the removal truck), so after 10 days in the garage (and a 1500 quid repair bill) the car came back with the Airbag warning light on, a flat rear tyre and no electric windows working! Other half goes mental, they replace the tyre with a new one, give Mum a free courtesy car and offer to fix everything free of charge AND drop the car back. Result!

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lol Dazzy - had me confused as well there :lol:




Sorry to hear about the car - I'd be taking it back to the garage and kicking up a major fuss as well!

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to much to drink last night,my eyes and hands arnt working together just yet....you could try using petrol on a cloth aswell

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Do you mean use petrol and cloth on the paint work? Not sure about trying that!


I've just had a browse on tinternet and read about clay blocks and Quik Detailer, sounds easy to use, with good results! (I'd never heard of a clay block before)


The windows have come up sparkling! Might use a bit of petrol when cleaning them next time! -washed it thoroughly off with fairy liquid, totally squeaky clean.

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...fairy liquid however WILL harm your paint work due to all the salt in it... :?

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John Wintle sells the clay bars too, he might be worth PMing to see what his thoughts are on it, being a polish expert and all.

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Mine was covered in white specks last summer too. Turned out it was road paint they use for white lines. I don't recall driving over any freshly paint lines but airborne specs of it landed on the car from somewhere.


It came off my car OK with some Super Resin polish and scraping the big chunks off with my nails.



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Used the Meguiars Quick detail Clay -easy to use and the finish really is like glass, feels real smooooth. It got rid of all the white paint spots. I also used the Three step cleaning products, paint restorer, polish and then wax. Very impressed with the finish.

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What about that tar remover stuff? That stuff takes off anything :mrgreen: including half the car paint no doubt :cry:


Na, Its really good for taking tar off, I bet it'll take your white specks no bother.



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