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George Lee

headlight problems

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My headlights wont work, side lights work, fogs work and full beam works but main beams doesnt. Ive tried a different switch but still the same problem. Ive noticed someone has put a aftermarket headlight loom in and it has 3 relays next to the battery. is this something i can just unplug or is it worth trying new relays, and help but be appreciated

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Have you checked all the connections on the loom ? also the fuses ?. Im no auto electrician but i doubt one of the relays has gone .

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I have checked the fused inside the car, I'm sure full beam runs of the same as main so I don't think its the fuses, there's no fuses on the wiring loom itself as far as I'm aware. Me and electrics don't go 😂

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are you sure theres no fuse on headlight loom? it will come off the battery + , follow that wire, i recently seen a post in regards to water proofing relays as some may get corrosion damage if there not water tight, so i wouldn't rule them out, you need to test with multimeter

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I will have a look as it has a upgraded wiring loom in it. The relays were covered up but what was covering them was damp so it cound be corrosion and probably cound probably do with testing

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Any competent motor factors/maplins should have them, take one of the old ones in so they can match it exactly!



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My headlights wont work, side lights work, fogs work and full beam works but main beams doesnt. Ive tried a different switch but still the same problem. Ive noticed someone has put a aftermarket headlight loom in and it has 3 relays next to the battery. is this something i can just unplug or is it worth trying new relays, and help but be appreciated


hi m8


if your upgraded loom has 3 relays in it then it could be one made by KUR2Y who used to be on here. i say that as many of the uprated looms on offer only have 2 relays.


KUR2Y used to use 3 so that if one of the relays failed it would not result in a total loss of lights, which i believe happens in a 2 relay version if one fails


a few months ago i had an issue where my dipped beam would not work but main beam would, i changed all 3 relays (as i wasnt entirely sure which relay facilitated which light path, ie dipped or main beam) & the issue was fixed


i got the relays from bromsgrove motor factor for a few £'s each. i drove there in the day & took one of the relays in for them to match. i can try & find the part number if you would like


i would not recommend removing the uprated loom, unless it is faulty itself, as they really make a difference to the light out put

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One of my relay's failed stopping high beam. Checked this was the fault by simply swapping the low beam relay over and it worked. I now drive with 2 spare relays in my glove box.

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Managed to get down to maplins but only haf two in stock. I tried just changing two but no look, going to get a third one to see if that works

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I also had this problem. Swapping the relays fixed it. Cost less than a tenner for 2 sets of 2. I always carry spares now.

I think the positioning of these is important. Don't let them get wet. I tucked them inside the battery jacket now.

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