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Wiper problem - would appreciate quick answer

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Where the arm comes out of the wiper motor and joins onto the wiper-arm mechanism, has come off.


It's sort of a ball-joint, and the arm from the wiper motor slips over the top of it.


Now, I can get it back on, but can't get it to stay there - it keeps coming off. It doesn't look like there's a securing pin or anything.


This is no fun as it's raining and I've had to come home from work in case it's pissing it down when i'm meant to leave.


Thanks in advance guys.

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Had the same problem on my 16v, was a right bas****. It has probably bent slightly and unless you get it exact it will keep popping off. Experiment bending the arm until it seems ok, this is a temp fix.


To fix proper, turn the wipers on until they are at the top of the windscreen then turn off the ignition so they stay there, this gives easier access. Drill a hole straight through the top of the balljoint thing. Use a thin bolt with some washers and a rubber washer at the top, locking nut at the bottom and grease it all, problem solved. Its lasted me over a year so far.

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Cheers Joe.


At step one so far - wipers at top of screen - jsut trying to figure out a temporary fix for now. Unfortunately don't have the bits you mentioned to hand.


Is there meant to be a 'u' clip that goes above the ball joint?

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It looks like theres meant to be a circlip but if there was mine went walkies when it popped off the first time. It happened because I accidentaly hit the wiper stalk when my windscreen had a couple of inches of snow on it, was there anything jamming or causing pressure on your wipers when it happened?

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Yeah it looks like there is meant to be a circlip to hold it in place - be buggered if i could find it though!


Nah there was nothing causing unnecessary pressure on the wipers - just conked out mid-sweep.


I've given up now - I'm cold and wet and can't feel my hands - been trying to wrap some wire around above the joint. Bloody fiddly job! Will take your advice and drill it through - not today tho!


Cheers Joe.

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Tom, the part of the likage into which the ball fits - ie the arm with the hole in - should have a nylon(?) bush/receptacle in it (a press fit into the arm) and the ball is a really snug fit into this. Sounds like that may have fallen to bits and disappeared allowing the ball to become detached.

I don't know whether vw do the nylon fitting as a spare part - knowing them they will try to sell you the complete linkage :lol: :lol:

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Hehe - know what you mean Chris.


Yeah I think a nylon insert makes sense.


Anyone have a spare one?? :D

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Joe - been managing to avoid driving when it's been raining - will do your mod tomorrow if it ain't pishing it down.

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Hi guys - have (maybe had) the same problem. I've tried the melt the nylon bush option for now and it seems to be holding but not tested on the road yet. Expect I will have to go with the drilling option. Just to confirm - there is no other fixture that is supposed to go on top of this to keep the operating rod on?

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The joint is called a rose joint and there's nothing more than the nylon bush that the ball joint presses into. Best bet is replacement parts from VW or source a 2nd wiper linkage from someone, unless you want to bodge it but there's no telling how long that will last.


I replaced the whole mechanism.

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Thanks. I reckon it won't hold and not interested in a botch job - do too many long disance miles to have it let me down, so I reckon I will chance it for now and order the parts monday. is it just the operating rod I need to order (#536 955 325) or do I need more from the .pdf ? Mine looks just like the photos on the post already

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I had a similar problem, the short link between the motor and wiper had popped off. Tried varios things then went to VW. New link (About 6-7" long) was under a tenner. It's a bugger to get on as it's a really tight fit. I used a pair of pipe grips with an angled head to squeeze the joints on.

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Replaced my linkages earlier this year and the piece you are talking about was still available.

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Not sure what info you are seeking? Generally the part which is the problem on the wiper mechanism is the short linkage (about 8ins long) on the drivers side. The plastic ball joint wears and it keeps popping out. The replacement part is 536 955 325. If you can find one in a dealers its about £14.50 (some have old stock). Its been obsolete since early this Summer. My dealer got me one from Germany and charged about £25.

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