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Aston Martin gets keyed

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I just don't understand the mindset. Never will. Utter ****ing moron.

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Yea thats just acting like an absolute scum bag , id rather someone come up and punch me in the face then take the cowards way


Laws should be passed to chop his ****ing hands off

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Hardly news worthy though is it? Just because it's an Aston? The owner might be a total bell-end and deserved it you just never know. At the end of the day it'll be covered on insurance.

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Hardly news worthy though is it? Just because it's an Aston? The owner might be a total bell-end and deserved it you just never know. At the end of the day it'll be covered on insurance.


you kinda hit a nail on its head there Jamo


the state of the UK's, if not the world, media is truly shocking.


they would rather fill the publics head with junk & try to focus them on what this 'star', sorry over inflated egotistical pr1cks, have eaten today, sh1t today, how many times they got their tits out for a god damn camera, which slut is doing what, what the over priviledged rich tw4ts had their chef make them for lunch


plus why is it that it often seems all the TV & media & papers etc want to do is to continually shove the 7 deadly sins down our throats


maybe they should actually try reporting on something that is actual news


anyone would think someone scared & is trying to subdue the public & refrain them from thinking for themselves

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Hardly news worthy though is it? Just because it's an Aston? The owner might be a total bell-end and deserved it you just never know. At the end of the day it'll be covered on insurance.


haha, thats a good attitude. "it'll be covered on insurance"............ so it doesn't really matter??? what worries me more is that he is pushing a pram, so it means he is going to have to impart "wisdom" at some point!

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haha, thats a good attitude. "it'll be covered on insurance"............ so it doesn't really matter??? what worries me more is that he is pushing a pram, so it means he is going to have to impart "wisdom" at some point!


That's what insurance is there for and the reason we all pay it. You don't know the entire episode of events so why the need to judge?

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plus why is it that it often seems all the TV & media & papers etc want to do is to continually shove the 7 deadly sins down our throats


maybe they should actually try reporting on something that is actual news


anyone would think someone scared & is trying to subdue the public & refrain them from thinking for themselves


You too make an good point about meda and television. It is clearly by design a tool used to dumb down the masses by the method of demoralising. All this pointless news that ****es people off and have them moaning 24/7, constant sexual referencing in tv and advertising regardless of the audience age. Times have changed in the last 50 years and it's all to do with forced information via an ever increasing circle of corrupted or manipulated sources which have been subverting the younger generations. It sets the standards while making people believe they are unique, individual and free.

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That's what insurance is there for and the reason we all pay it. You don't know the entire episode of events so why the need to judge?


Its morally wrong! That's why I judge. I don't care what happened, or what the episode of events were "you just don't f*ck with another mans vehicle".

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Its morally wrong! That's why I judge. I don't care what happened, or what the episode of events were "you just don't f*ck with another mans vehicle".


Perfect :thumbleft:

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the people in the modern world have a huge lack of respect in general; whether it be respect for themselves, respect for others, respect for other peoples property or respect for others beliefs & values


people are far too quick to use the trendy phrase of being 'offended' by something or someone


BUT those issues often have nothing to do with offence, they boil down to the fact that people no longer respect that others may have different thoughts or ways of living their lives


i was brought up to have respect & value for the differences people in this world have & all the world holds


i do not take 'offence' to something which does not have a direct impact on myself because i respect that other people choose to live THEIR lives how they desire. it is their life after all


mix this with what i call the 'Jeremy kyle infection' & it is creating societies & people within them that no longer strive to be the best person they can, no longer strive to do the best they are able to at what they do.


they want to revel on TV at being absolute scum & the lowest common denominator of character whilst feeling like they are owed fortunes for doing such


sorry for the 2nd rant - i guess the point i make is, well, clear i hope lol

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Its morally wrong! That's why I judge. I don't care what happened, or what the episode of events were "you just don't f*ck with another mans vehicle".


But what if the person with the Aston had done something even worse and what we see is a mild form of cowardly revenge. You just don't know. Typical with most rag reports like these. Only one side of the story. If it was just a twisted act of jealously then fair enough, he's a moron with a few issues that need dealing with. But we don't know that. Is it morally correct to form an opinion based on limited information? I don't think so.

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No matter what its still a criminal act. If Aston man is an arsehole (which of course we can't confirm or deny) or they had an earlier argument, it still doesn't give key man freedom to vandalise the ride.

Edited by VAG-hag

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the only reason the media are playing this is because of the clarity of the cctv footage,theres a pretty good chance he will be identified, we may not know the full story behind this but its a fact that this happens on a daily basis to good people that dont deserve it, its happend to members on here before for no good reason so theres a good chance that this guys just a bell 3nd,

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There was a similar one one FB , last week . A bloke walks out of a house , with his mrs , poors the last if his drink over a GTR , then picks up a stone and keys it all the way round .

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So, I saw this article today:



She's actually defending the vandal who keyed the car.. wtf?!


Although it transpired the guys actions were driven by bitter jealousy the woman does make some good points. Blatant flaunting of wealth around those at the opposite end of the spectrum isn't always going to end well. many do not take kindly to it. Doesn't make it right, but it's going to happen.

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