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Fitting new carpets .

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I must have laid the rear carpet in place ten times already lol. The problem is , there are so many lumps and bumps for it to sit on , it's hard to be happy with it . Get one section right , it pulls on another . I dare not glue it ! . I'm going to try and lay it the best I can get it and see how the plastics sit . It's like being at work , trying to plug a membrane to a wall that's all over the place , your trying to manipulate a material which is not very forgiving .

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Hi Hasan .

I've got it in place the best I can . I've not glued any of it , or cut the joins . I've put the hand break covers back on and the gear gator plastics . Just to check I can screw and bolt them in place before any gluing or cutting . Once I'm happy I will start to fit it properly . It's one of those jobs , you have to get on with it , a bit scary but you have to go for it .im going to fit the drivers seat back in and stop for today . Quit while your ahead as they say .

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Not really Dox . If you get it where you want it with or without a weight , the next curve or lump you come to is hard to get right . If it was very thin , then you could manipulate it to sit in nice , but it has to be thick to be hard wearing obviously . Having said that I'm very happy with with where I'm up to at the moment . I think a lot of it is worrying over it , once you put some plastics in place it looks great and you can see it's all in the right place .

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