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Door membrane pics .

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It can only be one thing Diarmaid. The butyl tape is not good enough to get it water tight . I will be going into VW this week and getting the stuff that comes out of a tube .

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Sounds like it Rob. I used Tiger seal, no experience with that tape really.


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Thanks for the replies chaps . I will not be getting the VW stuff the price is stupid . I will get one of the suggested products mentioned here . I've got a day off on the 27th , so I've booked the car in at Devon dub shack . We will be fitting the new carpet and interior so it will get done then .

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The stuff I used was called this: MASTIC TAPE 8mm X 6m POLY BUTYL SELF ADHESIVE STRIP IN GREY( 400917093732 )

but the seller http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/caravansuppliesinternational doesn't seem to sell it

i've had no problem with this stuff sealing it does the job better than anything else I've tried

this looks similar http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/mastic-sealant-tape-6x5-grey-/152047967877?hash=item2366c3de85

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  delfinis38 said:
hope this works.... reminds me must put my door card back ...


electrics come out of pockets... apart from the speaker wire.


My membrane should go further to the back of door. Not sealed it after taking door handle out.


I'm going mad now what's the wire under my electric window switch ? Assuming the other black one is mirrors. Guess it could be origional speaker ?


Hope you sort your leak. Thought the sun always shone in deven.


are those photos of the membrane's as when left factory ?

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Will be doing this soon, door card and handle are off at the moment for repair, so watching this with interest. You should see the state of mine after a few glass and window mech replacements done by others! At leas no one has used silicon sealant in the past! I know from memory that the Mk2 Golf membranes were all one piece with cut-outs for the various parts and had double-sided tape (quite thin and blue IIRC) attached to the edges. I'm considering using double-sided tank tape or butyl. As said, the drain holes are at the bottom and need to be clear to allow the water to run out of the bottom of the door. It doesn't quite make sense when you look at it, but works.

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  fendervg said:
Will be doing this soon, door card and handle are off at the moment for repair, so watching this with interest. You should see the state of mine after a few glass and window mech replacements done by others! At leas no one has used silicon sealant in the past! I know from memory that the Mk2 Golf membranes were all one piece with cut-outs for the various parts and had double-sided tape (quite thin and blue IIRC) attached to the edges. I'm considering using double-sided tank tape or butyl. As said, the drain holes are at the bottom and need to be clear to allow the water to run out of the bottom of the door. It doesn't quite make sense when you look at it, but works.


hi Fendervg


take alook at this http://www.silentcoat.co.uk/collections/silent-coat/products/silent-coat-2mm-mat-door-pack


i have recently re-adjusted the drivers liner in my VR but occasionally it is still not right - when funds allow i am going top try the above as i have seen some fitted & it looks a much better solution than factory

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@g0ldf1ng3r - looks interesting. Is it waterproof though? Don't see any mention of that, but could have missed it.

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I also rang that crowd and they confirmed that the matting was waterproof and suitable as a door membrane replacement, so might consider it. The real problem is that it will inevitably have to come off again in the future for another repair...

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I still have a slight weep at the hinge end by the speaker . I still haven't removed the outer scraper to see why it doesn't fit tight to the door pin end . I've got a big show coming up on Sunday , I can't even be bothered to clean it ATM . It's been a very rough month ! .

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  fendervg said:
I also rang that crowd and they confirmed that the matting was waterproof and suitable as a door membrane replacement, so might consider it. The real problem is that it will inevitably have to come off again in the future for another repair...


hi m8


sorry i didnt see your reply yesterday


glad they confirmed it was suitable! i think it is manufactured as a 'better' membrane solution due to its sound qualities


IIRC i saw it on EJ Taylor's thread as he used it on his doors


looking at your current membrane pic - whoa, i though my drivers door was bad lol


as for the 'removal one fitted' issue - i wonder if a little heat from a hair dryer would allow it to be removed & then restuck


apart from issues with the window or wiring in the door there shouldnt be many circumstances which need to take it off once fitted

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Yeah, I think I might go for it and give it a try. Might ask them about the removal - knowing Corrados, it will have to come off as soon as it's on! :)

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  fendervg said:
Yeah, I think I might go for it and give it a try. Might ask them about the removal - knowing Corrados, it will have to come off as soon as it's on! :)


i have been trying to find the thread on which i saw the stuff but cant find it


the website implies it is 'made for purpose' stuff which would make me hope that they pre-empted the need to remove it once fitted & then refit it if necessary


i will be very interested to hear how you get on m8 - in respect of both contacting them & how you get on if you buy some


i would take the plunge myself but i am silly broke at the moment & need to get the valver MOT'd in july

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Rang them again - they are pretty helpful on the phone. However the guy reckoned that it would only come off with difficulty and could not be re-used, so that's worth bearing in mind. It's silver in colour (2mm), there's also a 3mm black version, usually used where it is visible. Not sure if I'm going to risk it yet tbh- but still trying to find a supplier of good butyl tape who will ship to Ireland for less than a king's ransom!

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this looks like the same stuff we use at autoglass to stick membranes on.

it is reuseable if attempted on a coldish day, as when it is warm it can be a pain as it softens and wont peel off easily.

its a bit like a roll of really sticky blue tack lol

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^^^^ this is what I have also used. Seals well but as Stuart says it can be a bit awkward when warm.

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Hi! Newbie here. Just to clarify - is this the solution for the well known issue of the back soaking wet carpet when raining ?



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It could be , but as I always say , remove the carpets, once wet the underlay stays wet , you don't want that!.put talc down on the floor pan and you will find your leak .

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