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Tie Rod End

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As im attempting to remove the tie rod end i just cant get it to seperate from the hub/bearing housing. :mad:

i bought a ball joint splitter the type with a bolt u tighten to split and its just not the right size :roll: .... im trying not to damage the rod ends.

i've tryed the jack on the bottom of the bolt and pushing down/hitting with rubber mallet on the hub/bearing housing.


Any hints n tips plz..... this looks an easy job but 2day its had me! :oops: :oops: n i wanna hit it with a big f..k off hammer :mad:

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ive always found the ball joint splitter with the bolt not very good,ive always used the fork type splitter and a nice big hammer,and ive always replaced the ball joint after removale aswell

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i have a fork type and every time ive used it, its damaged the tie rod rubber boot and im trying to save the ends as there is nothing wrong with them.... thanx for help anyway :)

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Soak it in WD40 first. Then get a hammer and hit the part of the hub where the track rod end goes through it. The impact will loosen the track rod end and it should pop out. Always works for me anyway.........and it doesn't damage the track rod end as long as you are careful.

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Yeah, Dazzy's right, you must replace the ends as you will damage them, there only about £10 each from VAG


VR6 track rod ends are only available with track rods and are around £70 + VAT each from VW.. You may be right about the other Corrados tho. :shock:

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I've never had a problem with my sykes pickavant scissor/screw type ball joint splitter.


My splitter is too small. :(


I sorta done what u said Geo i used Plus Gas and a jack n a big hammer a little heat n a solid metal peice of bar... jack under joint bolt n used the bar n hammer to knock it off... anyway its off now n thanx 4 all ur help every 1

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Supercharged wrote:

Yeah, Dazzy's right, you must replace the ends as you will damage them, there only about £10 each from VAG



VR6 track rod ends are only available with track rods and are around £70 + VAT each from VW.. You may be right about the other Corrados tho.


Nope, they are the same for all models, the VR Track rod itself is different due to the plus setup but the ends are the same...

£8.11 + vat from VAG


left - 191419811

right - 191419812

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You're probably right, but if you go in asking for track rod ENDS for a VR they'll sell you a VR rod with it at the aforementioned heinous price!!

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I didn't understand either, but that's what they said "they only come with the track rod". I dunno, ask Ridgeway VW!!!

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I didn't understand either, but that's what they said "they only come with the track rod". I dunno, ask Ridgeway VW!!!


There talking sh*te then! :wink:

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I suppose you have made it clear that you want the OUTER end, because of course the INNER end does only come as an integral part of the rod. (Capitals for emphasis, not for shouting ....!)


By the way, when I had to replace the whole assembly on the Passat, I was warned-off pattern track rods by my specialist. He claimed that he has come across some which don't have sufficiently long threads at the outer end; this can make adjustment difficult or impossible.


The question, "well why not run a die down the rod to cut a bit more thread on it ?", comes to mind. There are lots more fitters and fewer mechanics about, it seems to me. Phew ! I feel better now.


Best wishes



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Rest assured the GSF £23 jobbies are of the correct length :D


They're made by Febi Bilstein. They're not the best but do the job. Compare a vag TR to a Febi one and you'll see what I mean, but VAG want £70 each, which is silly for a bit of metal and two balls.



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I have to say that to save less than the price of a tankful of Optimax on a vital steering component seems like a false economy when, as you say, the quality difference is so apparent. I'm all for saving money when the difference is just whether it comes in a box or not, and it is a disgrace what we are charged for simple components by VAG, but when you're batting down the motorway, it's nice to be as certain as possible that it's all properly tied together. I have recently seen 2 Peugeot 405s with collapsed front suspensions, looks like failed bottom ball-joints, (catastrophic if it happens at high speed) and I wonder if cut price/lower quality replacement parts are to blame? Maybe it's down to them being complete rubbish in the first place.


It's a bit of a rant, I'm afraid. Perhaps it's time to buy a cardigan and some nice comfy slippers.....


Best wishes



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