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Average price of window removal and install .

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Obviously prices vary , I'm just looking in my area in Devon . But would be interested to know a ball park figure . I need the windscreen , rear screen and both rear windows removed . I have rust bubbles on these areas , I've spent to much and had this car too long to leave the rust worm to do more damage . As I said an average cost would help me to know what I need to save and compare to what I get quoted .

Thanks ,

Rob .just wanted to add . The front pillars were replaced , six years ago , so there should be no rot at all in this area , so the screen should be able to be removed with the minimum of fuss .

Edited by robrado974

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Rob, the bodyshop should be able to remove them all prior to paint so that'll be included in their quote, but I paid £120 + VAT (£144 total) to have all mine refitted after respray.

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Thanks Sean . I've had various paint done in the past , I trust the chap that I used last time a local painter who works next to my friendly mechanic . However he doesn't want to remove the windows and would rather let someone else do the job . There is a firm in Exeter that will remove and fit . If I have an average cost , I won't get my pants pulled down on the price . £144.00 sounds very reasonable indeed . Thanks bud .

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Yeah I was pretty happy with it. The paint shop I used outsource the windows, so may have got them to remove them all too...........


In fact, I think they did and it was £60 to remove and £60 to re-fit, as I was pretty shocked it was so cheap. They did a great job too, although I wish I'd suggested they "accidentally" broke my windscreen as I think its the original and pretty chipped.

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i would clarify with the company what would happen if the front screen was damaged while removing.

some companies would pay for it if it broke some dont.

they arent the easiest to remove with out damaging the trims that that are attached to both sides

it depends how much glue and how hard it was pushed down when installed

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Thank you for the replies and good info . Now I'm over the shock of the TSI disaster , I can try to get my car sorted .

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