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Kids and the Corrado

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So this morning I made the mistake of mentioning to my 4 year old son that I might get a new car soon, given our building work is almost done and I don't need a huge estate anymore, and that I quite fancy something rear wheel drive...


What then happened was 30 mins of uncontrolled crying, telling me that we can't sell Mincy and that he doesn't just like him, he loves him!


Even saying that I was only joking didn't stem the tide and I ended up having to promise a milkshake and a pack of pez (old school) just to bring it all back under control.


Guess Mincy is staying indefinitely now.


Anyone else had/have this issue?

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When I pick my kids up , or drop them back to their mums and it's getting to the end of the summer I always say , it's time to take the car off the road . They always say noooooo!. When I told them she may have to go , when the engine went bang on the Goof TSI , they said , Dad you can't sell her . They've both got their names down to inherit the car lol .

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When I sold my last car(2 yrs ago now) my 2 boys and I had a couple of final pictures taken with it on the day the new owner drove it away,it was a sad day.My youngest who was around 4 yrs at the time asked me if we would see it again ?

I said no and then had to hide in my garage as I had a tear or two in my eye , they were very attached to it, however they did forget about it quite quickly and embraced the replacement m3 very happily !

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Haha. I tried to tempt him with some pictures of an M3 I've seen. Didn't like it one bit.


Rob, everytime we go anywhere in the car I get "Can we go in Mincy?" but usually that means shuffling stuff around on the drive....so we take mums instead, which doesn't go well either

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