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Audioscape door pods

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I wouldn't mind a set of these if anyone has a set lying about? Must be the later type and ideally in black but would consider any colour/condition.


I'm away on holiday tomorrow so if anyone else is considering selling any interesting bits, please wait until I return:lol:

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I have a brand new set in their original packaging in the loft that will one day be fitted to my Vr so sorry not for sale but if anyone can suggest a company that might be able to make a mould from them to make some more then I would be up for that...or would that still count as copyright infringement even if Audioscape are no more?

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I wouldn't know anywhere that would do that. Wish I did. It's just a matter of finding someone that will part with theirs.........I'd also be up for a swap as I have a decent hoard of some of the harder to find bits :)

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  easypops said:
I wouldn't know anywhere that would do that. Wish I did. It's just a matter of finding someone that will part with theirs.........I'd also be up for a swap as I have a decent hoard of some of the harder to find bits :)

Come on mate your skills you can make them


Sent from my SM-G357FZ using Tapatalk

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Pops, magazine arrived a few days back mate, excellent read..didn't last 1 hour!!

Back on topic, what are you looking for the speaker covers? Front ones that often fall off the speaker housings?

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Pops, magazine arrived a few days back mate, excellent read..didn't last 1 hour!!

Back on topic, what are you looking for the speaker covers? Front ones that often fall off the speaker housings?


Glad the magazine made it :)


No mate, I'm after a set of aftermarket door pods, they were made by audioscape and are a different shape and the house a bigger than standard speaker......I have a decent amount of standard ones etc :)

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  lilfuzzer said:
Come on mate your skills you can make them


Sent from my SM-G357FZ using Tapatalk


Ha ha mate, I wish :lol:

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  stuarttaylor37 said:
Would 3d printing be an option?


No idea mate, I guess you would need to get a set scanned and then I can't see why not, couldn't imagine it being cheap though

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I do really like my Audioscapes but I do wish they allowed for the step in the door card. If 3d was a viable option it'd defo pay not to use the pods as the be all and end all reference.

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Time to re make new audiscape pods then, I could do with a template to work from, are the originals made from wood? Or cardy material??

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I have a set of what I believe are early ones that I got off a car in a scrapyard, I could model them up in CAD when I get some spare time at work and then there would be a file to 3d print from.


My actual plan was to give them to a decent interior guy and get them re made but with a couple of tweaks to the design

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  Chaz! said:
I have a set of what I believe are early ones that I got off a car in a scrapyard, I could model them up in CAD when I get some spare time at work and then there would be a file to 3d print from.


My actual plan was to give them to a decent interior guy and get them re made but with a couple of tweaks to the design


Both sound great :)

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  Chaz! said:
Will see what I can do, would love them to have like a curve in the pocket to fit a can in


I'd have no complaints about that, I guess you can just tweak it once its on your computer? I've no idea about all that computer wizardry so I'm hopeful if you do indeed manage to sort it out a cutout for later switches should be easy enough :)

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I have a set up for grabs easypops on custom early cream leather door cards if they are of interest.

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  clumpy1 said:
I have a set up for grabs easypops on custom early cream leather door cards if they are of interest.


I was thinking you might have a set mate, yes I'm interested, not sure I need the door cards though? I'm on holiday at the moment so can't pop down. I'll PM you :)

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I bought some spare door pockets years ago, i was going to make some, but never got round to it. For some reason i have a thing against putting MDF in a car.

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