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Protect your car whiles its parked?

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So I live on small road with no drive or garage so I need to park on the street. As time gone on parking has been come an issue and alot of tight spaces that forces people to park in to. Unfortunately it has become very regular that my poor Rado gets a new bruise around on my bumpers, which is really annoying. I tried a google, but unable to find anything. I was wondering if anyone has come across a product or a car cover that could help reduce any parking related damage.


I was considering two cones on up against my car on each side.

Edited by thesingh

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Unless you get a space bubble, theres not much hope I'm afraid. I was without a drive or garage for about 4 weeks up until about a month back, and it caused me no end of stress for that exact reason! I ding in the door almost sent me into fits of rage, and the kids playing in the cul de sac had me biting my nails and shouting out the door constantly! Good luck with whatever you decide, but as said a space bubble may be your only real hope, and they're not exactly cheap!!!!

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I never found a solution, but I think people don't *want* to do it so make it easy for them to see your car. Fluorescent strips around the bumpers and wings?

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