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Have I set an official record ... for the most written-off ?

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How come you're going back to Cape Town? UK weather getting you down? :roll:


I'm rather acclimatised to the hot and cold weather (or is that warm and cold, or cold and colder ?!) so that's not it.


Oh a combination of missing my family (been here 5 years already) and the apartment

I bought there 2 years ago as an investment has doubled it's value :D


I want to sell and buy a penthouse apartment with my brother.

Brand new development near the sea, with sea views, 24 hr security, internet and heated floors for about £80K :shock:

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Don't blame you- sounds fantastic! 8) :wink: 80K over here would get you a skanky one bedroom flat- if you're lucky! Best of luck with it all! :)

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Just seen this thread. That just blows. Big Time.


I can understand wanting to move back to Cape Town. I did a couple of weeks work out there in '97 on the web sites for the Cape Star and the Argus and got offered a 12 month job while I was out there. Regretted not taking it up ever since.

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I can't believe they can just CANCEL the policy because they've made a payout - you've paid for a year's insurance. Insurance means exactly that - it doesn't mean they can just cut their losses when they feel like it!


I see where you're coming from with the car - if you're leaving the country anyway then this is the least hassle. But I would be getting legal advice on the insurance situation, that just sounds wrong. Of course, if you're leaving the country in the next month (say) it doesn't really make any difference - to answer another question no, if you've made a claim you can't cancel the policy and recoup a pro-rated portion of the premium. But at the same time I don't think THEY can cancel it without compensating you either - after all, your 12 month policy is basically a 12-month contract.


Would be interested to know the upshot of this...as it affects us ALL...

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Let's say I had the crash on day 1 of the policy and it was written off.

Before they make a payout they would want the remaining premium.

Otherwise they would deduct it from my claim.

So it doesn't matter the fact that I paid them up front.


Basically they know that in the unlikely event of a write-off, they've got £1400 of mine already plus another £350 from my excess.

So £1750 is in their pocket. And then they pay me out the £5K market value less the £1750.


I agree with you and Andy that I should be entitled to some compensation.

All they said is that if I take out a new policy then they will give me a discount because I've already paid them a large sum.


That's Elephant.co.uk for you.

Remember guys that just because you get the cheapest deal somewhere, doesn't mean they are the best in dealing with claims.


Highway insurance allowed me to change my insurance to another vehicle (Another Corrado VR6 in fact) after the previous VR6 got written off.

Some do - some don't.


Might be worth asking that sort of question when you make you enquiries.


We live and we learn.

If not from our own experiences - then by others' :|

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Let's say I had the crash on day 1 of the policy and it was written off.

Before they make a payout they would want the remaining premium.

Otherwise they would deduct it from my claim.

So it doesn't matter the fact that I paid them up front.|


Yeah, but that's got nothing to do with my point - my point being that you've still got a year's worth of insurance paid for, so it SHOULD still be valid to transfer to another car. It's an ANNUAL insurance policy, not a "one claim" policy, do you see what I mean? The remainder of the policy should be suspended rather than cancelled. That's what I mean about getting some legal advice, even if it's just a free call to the Citizen's Advice Bureau. Definitely worth checking out.

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Dude I totally agree with you and that's exactly my argument to Elephant.


But their policy is that if the car gets written off - then there's no car left to insure and therefore no policy.

I said to them "OK I'll give you a car to insure" and they said "it's already been cancelled so I'll need to start again".


Will ring their Legal Dept and let you know the outcome :mad:

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Best of luck to you. If I get the time I might right the Citizen's Advice Bureau and see what they've got to say about it.


Did you find out about uninsured loss recover/legal cover through Elephant? Just wondering if you can speak to them, it would certainly be amusing to use it to file a claim against Elephant themselves... :)

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real shame about the motor, looked nice, :cry: give me a shout if you do get it back from the insurance company i might restore it to it former glory :mrgreen:

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Damn thats a real shame, can get the insurers to re-classify it if you put it in for an MOT and it passes. Thats probably of no real use to you.

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Check with the General Insurance Standards Council also. What Elephant have done to you regarding cancellation is definately not common practise in the industry. OTOH I don't know the terms of their contract, maybe that's why their premiums are competitive :(

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OK this is the latest ... Elephant sent me a letter saying because I have 3 points on my license I need to pay in an additional premium before they settle my claim :shock:

WTF :mad:

Now I thought when you mention this at the time of taking out the policy,

they take it into account and charge you accordingly.

So why am I being asked for more money :?: :!:


OK and then there's another letter saying that they noticed I have tinted windows.

They now want all the details ie how much I paid, where it was done etc.


If I say it was on the car when I bought it then they'll want to know why I didn't mention it before.


Bear in mind my front window also has the medium tint so is technically illegal.

Unless it was on the car before the law changed at the beginning of the year ...


The only good news is they haven't noticed the TT alloys ... with the VW centre badges :D


Does it get any better :?: :!: :cry:

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Ok, from now on when the Elephant insurance advert comes on the TV I'm switching channels. It's my only way of showing support...these people suck!

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Insurance Companys are the biggest bunch of con men/or woman out there,


All too happy too take ya money, but try squirming out of everythin as soon u make a claim

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Just latched on to this thread again, sounds appalling. As Crazymarcel says, biggest bunch of shiesters going. I especially liked the way I lost no-claims with NUD because I had an accident, legally not my fault. Queried it with them 'oh, that's standard insurance practice, we couldn't recoup any money from the party at fault, so it goes against you'. What, I say, even if it's legally confirmed as not my fault, isn't that what insurance is for, I pay you, if it's my fault I lose NCD, if it's not it's the insurers loss to take?'....sorry sir , standard practice etc......sh#ite the lot of 'em, but especially NUD (in my opinion of course), and now it would seem Elephant, who appear to have a surprisingly short memory.

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Check your documentation. If you declared the points and they're on the schedule/policy (I don't know where they'd be as I've been lucky enough so far not to have any - although I may have not noticed one of the many speed cameras on Scottish roads last week...:( )

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Thanks I'll check my policy schedule.


What to say about the tints ?

It's considered a non-standard modification.

They now want all the details ie how much I paid, where it was done etc.

I mean this is not a theft claim so what would it matter if my vehicle looked "more desirable" :?:


If I say it was on the car when I bought it then they'll want to know why I didn't mention it before :?:


Or do I say it was on the car before the law changed at the beginning of the year :?:

Bear in mind my front window also has the medium tint so is technically illegal.

Could that invalidate my policy :?:


Your input appreciated.

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You tell 'em it was on the car when you bought it, you didn't realise that wasn't normal. End of conversation.

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You tell 'em it was on the car when you bought it, you didn't realise that wasn't normal. End of conversation.


then again.........they do ask you if the car has any modifications from standard.........pleading ignorance i'm afraid wont wash with them

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You tell 'em it was on the car when you bought it, you didn't realise that wasn't normal. End of conversation.


then again.........they do ask you if the car has any modifications from standard.........pleading ignorance i'm afraid wont wash with them


You thought it was a standard factory option on the VR's....

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You tell 'em it was on the car when you bought it, you didn't realise that wasn't normal. End of conversation.


then again.........they do ask you if the car has any modifications from standard.........pleading ignorance i'm afraid wont wash with them


You thought it was a standard factory option on the VR's....



tinted glass IIRC was standard on C's......but only a light tint......going by Eug's pics there's no way you could describe that as a light tint........thats where the pleading ignorance wont wash with them........

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tinted glass IIRC was standard on C's......but only a light tint......going by Eug's pics there's no way you could describe that as a light tint........thats where the pleading ignorance wont wash with them........


Ah well, I guess it's worth a try. Technically speaking it isn't road legal, thus they can refuse to pay up tho...

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tinted glass IIRC was standard on C's......but only a light tint......going by Eug's pics there's no way you could describe that as a light tint........thats where the pleading ignorance wont wash with them........


Ah well, I guess it's worth a try. Technically speaking it isn't road legal, thus they can refuse to pay up tho...



oh yeah i agree with you....everything is worth a try........but 9 times out of ten it ends in disapointment :(

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You are right.

C's come with factory-standard tint.


If you say it was on the car already then surely they would contact the previous owner to ask him ?


I'm just worried if I say I put it on they will invalidate my policy cos it's illegal :shock:

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You are right.

C's come with factory-standard tint.


If you say it was on the car already then surely they would contact the previous owner to ask him ?


I'm just worried if I say I put it on they will invalidate my policy cos it's illegal :shock:



i don't think they will contact the previous owner........however they do ask you" has the car been modified in any way?"........also i take it you haven't declared the Audi rims either?

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