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Oil temp - QUICK

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they should be able to benji16v, The fitting point is identical to that on the G60, it's only the size of the rad I'm not sure about which may limit your mounting locations, although I'm pretty certain that you can mount it to the drivers side of the rad with no problems which should get plenty of air flow to it... 8)

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As soon as I get some money I gotta get me an oil cooler... when giving it some I've had 128 C :( And the fans come on pretty much everytime I drive the car :?

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I've been leaking ?something? for a while now since i bought the raddo AA man doing the vehicle check reckoned it was a fuel leak and Matt at DesignaDubs gave it a full check but couldnt find it...Well at the Bovingden Airfield I was racing a G40 on the 1/4 when white steam rises form the engine and it seems I've actually had a small leak in the main coolant hose that leads to the head and basically I've now split it open REALLY badly....This was not the best time for this to happen it was only my first race of the day and I had no spare coolant or water...A trip to a local garage got me coolant and the nice Team Guru guys gave me a HUGE water can so I was able to carry on racing...but then I had to go home....I hit rush hour M25 then M23...In the middle of the heatwave...With nowhere to stop...the heat rises....the steam builds...the warning light flashes...eventually as the water in the coolant system evaporates the sensor stops telling the fan that there is a problemn so even the fan stops working...soemhow I managed to get home with only having to pour more water in once (M23 verge) so I reckon I got off lucky plus the coolant hose should be here tomorrow :) various garage peeps rekcon my head gasket will of gone since I had to drive home with an overheated engine but the car still starts and runs fine so I dont rekcon it can be. Please could someone tell me how obvious is the head going on the VR6 engine? Cos I'm guessing it'd be pretty easy to spot since most cars you immediately notice the prob wheras my local garage is telling me it could of gone anyway and i jsut wouldnt of noticed...Any help would be appreciated.

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c`mon guys who`s got any pictures of there oil coolers fitted!!! where and how please


16v would be preferable but am interested in any pics


and when i get mine sorted i`ll do a how do for the section!

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Got a new record for myself.. got 132 C last night !! :shock: :shock: After realising and slowing down, was going round a roundabout and the oil pressure warning light (and buzzer! just incase u didn't notice the light) came on! Stopped the car and let it cool down. Oil level seemed to be pretty low, which is kinda strange since I just changed the oil a month or so ago.. 10mins later started her up and she was fine. Scared me a little tho, that oil cooler will definately be here soon!

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Highest i have ever seen on my vr is 118 oil temp, water hardly ever gos above 90 and when it does its just a bit over and soon cools back down.


In this warm weather been around 90/110 oil temp, depending on how fast im going.

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have been keeping an eye on temps a bit more than usual since head was done in december, think im gonna stick an oil cooler on her.


I dont wanna steal ur thread but: :oops:

one other thing i dunno if anyone else has noticed this.....


when car is upto temp if i:

put dip lights on the temp goes up 2-4 deg

main beam goes up another 2-4

fogs on up 2-4

rear screen on up 2-4

turn them off and it drops back down instantly :?


i`ve tried this on the move and stationary, it happens either time!


any ideas :?: :!:



Sorry to bring back an old part of the thread but that sounds like an earth fault to me and nothing to do with the actual oil temp.

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I've seen footage of a VR on the autobahn doing 140+ showing 140 degrees + on the oil, too....

The oil can handle it, don't worry about it. In this poxy country with our poxy traffic laws you're never going to damage your engine by overheating unless something actually goes wrong.

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Sits at 90 deg on constant run.... rises to 105deg if stuck in heavy traffic.. comes back down after a mile or so once moving again....




Constant 50 - 60mph run run... sits at around 100degC....


Motorway run / High Speed blast.... usually around 114 - 118 degC... although on one warm day doing 150mph+ I saw 124degC... :oops:


VW's run pretty warm anyway....

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Sorry to keep bringing this thread back to life, but more interesting (to me at least) findings of the oil temperature readings...


Managed to get 140 C on the way to E38, which is always good news :roll: (this is just doing a constant 80 - 90mph too)


However I noticed that on the way back the temperatures were steady a good 10 C lower than on the way there, despite it being hotter outside.... until I turned my lights on, and then the oil temp went up 10 C :?: Turn the lights off, and it dropped back down... Is it just me, or does this seem a bit odd :|

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However I noticed that on the way back the temperatures were steady a good 10 C lower than on the way there, despite it being hotter outside.... until I turned my lights on, and then the oil temp went up 10 C :?: Turn the lights off, and it dropped back down... Is it just me, or does this seem a bit odd :|



deffo odd!! :wink:

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mine was running about 112 last night on the way home from having my schrick fitted....trouble is space is tight as i have an aircon rad so not too sure where i can fit the mocal

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Seem very varied, last day i had my VR6 i gave it a right pasting. Sat it 3rd at 5000rpm for most of the way on country roads, peaked at 106 thats the highest i ever saw out of it. Even when doing 100 on the motorway for 40miles it never went over 100.


Mind you the C i test drove at the weekend from a completely cold start, reached 98 after 2 miles and i never exceeded 60mph or really revved it.

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Never seen my go above about 116 - even after tonking it round Brunters at 140MPH. On a steady quiet evening drive on an A road or motorway, water sits about 75-80 degrees and oil about 104.

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bit worried about mine,


got up to 140 oil temp at the weekend, and its running a vr6 rad, twin pacet fans and an mocal oil cooler already :shock:


so might have to look at a bigger oil cooler or some other cooling methods.


somebody was asking about oil cooler locations if you look at my car in the gallery section theres a pic without the front bumper on where you can see the oil cooler,


i ve also seen a couple of cars with them in a simular place to where the g60 intercooler would sit, looked like a good place to mount it.

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Nice temps. Jim.

Oil cooler?


Nope - dunno why the temps are so well behaved. I don't like to ask those kinda questions :)


Does get hot quite quickly in traffic though - water temp will easily nudge its way 110 but I tend to crack the heater on and open all the windows to let a bit of warmth back out.

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