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MFA LCD screen replacement

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Hi All,


The last digit on my MFA is starting to only show the bottom half of the digit so I believe the pixels are starting to fade on the lcd screen .


Is it the VR^ 1995 model same as the MK2 golf multifunction MFA LCD screen if so I have a link below for a replacement screen,


Any advice would be great , as mentioned its just a bit of pixle fading, the MFA is functioning as it should. If the part is incorrect that I have linked below could somone guide me in the right direction.




Thank You

Edited by Keyo

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  robrado974 said:
Can you not put out a wanted for a second hand screen ?. It depends if you want Oem I suppose.



Would rather a new screen to be honest as it should have a good life exspectancy, there are several comapanies out there specialising in automotive lcd repair so I might end up belling one them next week, the strange thing is on certain functions its shows as a full digit but on other functions only half might not be the screen who knows !

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Just wondering whether the conductive rubber strip has moved a little? If you take the clocks out and remove the display from the circuit board you'll see a rubber 'pad' with a series of black 'dots' on the edges - these are actually moulded conductors and it could be that one end is slightly away from either the board or the display. Give it a clean and refit. Might solve the issue.

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Reckon your spot on Fla. have no idea how complex it is to get into that area and if I might risk braking something.

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Well done hasan . I don’t know why I didn’t think of this . When I changed my clocks back to green from red , I made a mistake putting the led back in properly and the display was all wrong , bits missing etc .

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  Keyo said:
Reckon your spot on Fla. have no idea how complex it is to get into that area and if I might risk braking something.


Its quite easy, although i changed my clocks years back so cant quite remember all the screws and clips. Rob (above) can guide you more accurately as he's done his recently.


From what i remember once you remove the back cover (two screws and two or 4 white clips holding the body on)you can then unclip the circuit board from the housing and then use a torx screwdriver to unscrew the screws holding the display in place. It is really quite straightforward just need to make sure you remember which way round the rubber conductive pads go and the direction of the screen.

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Thanks for the information Ill have to weigh up wether I will do more harm then good as do have a tendency to epic fail with plastic trims.

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