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Door Half Hinges

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Hi All,


Thought I would share the link below as it seems there are no hinges available anywhere and VW Heritage are sold out for a while and they don't look great quality either, the picture they advertise even has a chunk missing off the corner and a pressed pin rather then drop forged . They are priced cheap so you pay for what you get I suppose but been such a bummer of a job you wouldn't want to do it again in a rush.


I was going to get the body specialist to put some shims in to raise my door a little as it's got a bit of driver door sag but his a bit of a perfectionist and will only do the job with new hinges and pins.


Searched high and low on ebay and VW sources and couldn't find anything, pretty amazing really as they share the same hinges as the MK2 golf, Jetta, polo, and various other models.


So in the end I stumbled across this company in France .


Half Hinge German Meyle







Hoping there good as they look.


They accept paypal and shipping is a lot cheaper then German prices.

Edited by Keyo

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Good find. I put a shim in mine about 10 years ago but this looks like a good solution. The second link doesn't show the pin though, would you mind posting that one too?

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Received hinges today would totally recommend the company from France, yet to be fitted but I will give an update but I'm sure they are fine !




Edited by Keyo

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I have just put a shim in mine literally last week, these look great, many thanks for the find Keyo

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Fantastic!! Thankyou


little aside, your corrado looks superb in your sig pic Voo! Any more available?

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