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Opinions on Elephant insurance

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Looking for a little advice regarding Elephant Insurance.

Anyone had any dealings with them ? are they a reasonable company to go with ?


Reason i ask is they seem to be the cheapest for myself with the interest in buying a Corrado VR6. Weird goings on with there online quote system, my default cost comes in about £1800 comp. If i add my mother as a named driving the price drops to a surprising low £1296. Surely thats not right.


Anyway opinions if you please on any dealings you may have had with them.



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ye there pretty good had a few cars insurued with them with no problems and the same thing happened to me put my girlfriend on the insurance and it droped even lower even though it was the cheapest anyway :D

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Ive been with Elephant over a year now with no problems, never had to make a claim though. I also found out about the mother thing about 8 months into the first year and when I added her got a part refund.

My cousin (ill try and get him to post on it) had to make a claim with them and they were very good, though the garage the car went to wasnt the best. Not elephants fault though.

You might want to check out Eug's thread though, as he's just had to make a claim and has had a few problems.

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I did a bit of playing about with the quotes.....


if u put ur occupation as librarian or accountant, or other "boring" job then it saves u money.


A SP30 didnt make a difference at all

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Elephant insure me for £404 / year, and I still include my ex's name on it cos I knew it was about £70 cheaper with her on it last year.


She's never driven the car.


Remember though, your best advice will come from someone who's made a claim with them AND receiver their next years' premium.


They are Cardiff based.

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im Joe's cousin.


I made a claim with elephant on my alfa. front near side damage, bonnet bumper etc. about £1800 worth of damage on a £5000 car.


customer service was fantastic, and coming from the same background i understand what that is.


no hesitation in accepting the claim, were very helpful when i wanted other 'related' items of work carried out within the claim and only issues i had were with the repairing garage.


wasnt registered as crash damaged as when i sold it the guy had a check done and nothing came up.


changed cars easy enough to my Ford Puma and got a £150 refund which was paid into my account.


i would recommend them, but after reading their policy on write offs in Eug's post...not so sure.


oh, and they were about £600 cheaper than the next best quote i had when i bought my alfa. (2.5 v6, 25yo, 2 NCD)

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Was just about to say ... check first with someone who has made a claim.


It's all very well to have cheap quotes etc, but at the end of the day you're insuring your vehicle in the unlikely event of an accident.

I paid them £1400 Full Comp (cos I had 1 claim from my previous VR which was written off)

and because this new car was written off after a month they've cancelled the policy.

Worth asking these little questions before signing up.


Or invest in a Protected No Claims Bonus.


Looks like I'll have 2 claims against my name now when it comes time to take out a new poilicy ...

oh the good news was they said I'd get a discount if I used them again since I've paid them up front and all that.

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I'm with elephant and are in the process of making a claim. I paid £996 fully comp with no NCB and I'm 22. They were far cheaper than anyone else and every single time I've called them the customer service people have been great.


However, I still haven't actually had any money/repair work out of them, so I'll let you know as/when that develops. I certainly don't like their policy of cancelling your insurance if the car is a write off though!

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