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change of username any ideas

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Bigfoot? Hairy and a free spirit, and left to his own devices for so long I reckon he smoked a few medicinal grasses too.

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I like dr_mat's suggestion, though I think its spelt "sasquatch".


Or how about "hairbear", which is my wonderfully amusing rewording of the classic "care-bear".... hmm..

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Sorry, momentary lapse of spelling there - I knew "saskwatch" didn't look right, the moment I typed it. ;)

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I have a hairy friend (ooh uhh missus) and he started getting called Doogle, as Dan suggested, thats stuck ever since :D

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I thought it was "dougal", while we're talking of mis-spelling the names of fictional characters.




ah yes :cheers:, I hold my hands up... I must have been thinking of that well known search engine :)


I see that Dougal is also refered to as a 'shaggy Dog' on the official web site so, I suppose that rules the name out anyway.

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What a missed opportunity, surely 'shouldperhapsbeinasplittyorperhapsatypetworatherthanafastwatercooledcar' soundsl ike it would have been more appropriate! :lol:


Mind you, you need to be a succesful bank robber rather than a hippy to buy a decent 'splitty' these days! :cry:

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