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Very bad day-Write Off!!!

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Jim - I actually made a similar comment (and take the same stance in similar situations) in another thread.


But in this case, it does actually appear that there has been some personal injury, as opposed to someone trying to sponge money off the insurance company (and indirectly, us!).

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me and sonia are actually against these "claims" for injuries that may or not exist but i`m not gonna let my morals get in the way of everything else!!!


yeah i dont want to screw the system but i`m afraid to say that if it was the other way round then sonia would be getting screwed for everything possible,


it`s truely a nitemare of a situation, a car that we know is good but arnt gonna get what its worth, a poor girl whos stuck on the couch `cos of some tw@t and being faced with the hassel of all of this!


we`re all paying over the odds but just cos we dont claim doesn`t mean anyone else will suffer!


i`m sure you`d all do the same in a similar situation?!?!?!


i dont want anything except what sonia deserves, her car, her mobility, and not having to deal with this sh1t!!!!


we`re not spongers, we just want our normal lives back!


everything has been affected: work, homelife, holidays.... everything!!!


all because of some little sh1t................. BUT we`ve all been there behaved like idiots and i`m sure some of you have caused or been in accidents

i only hope that this will teach the lad a little bit of respect about what he`s in control of!!"!


Rant over!

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it all depends on what the insurance company value the car at

i repair smashs like this every day and from what ive seen its not a big repair,it wont need jigging for a rear panel and boot floor as long as the chassis legs have not been bent which is highly unlightly

the only down side is vw panels are f+++in expensive making it all the more lightly it will be written off



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Norwich Union wanted to give me 2 thirds of the market value in cash and the car back, i was mad not to take it, sorry to hear all about it mate and hope the chav has is knackeres chewed off by a rotweiller in the very near future :twisted:

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i think i know where that is, went to a wedding in weston zoyland an few months ago, you probably wouldn`t have seen us, sonia only got her car after moving to north wales although we have been down to somerset a few times in my (blue) cor rado, only seen 2 C`s when i been down there a- red one by the VW garage in bridgewater, and the back end of a bue one passing through brigwater!


will send a message next time we`re going down to visit and have a mini meet eh? :)

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Depending on what catergory they put your car in depends wether you can buy it back or not, think (Might be wrong though) if they class it as C or D then it's spares only and must be sold to someone with a disposale licence! Think you will be ok with yours though!



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I'd buy it back and get it repaired and keep it.


I can honestly say the C is a strong car, as I've been there.

..had a very similar accident in my old G60, except it was an old guy in an Isuzi Trooper who was late for a funeral (that's what he said!) with a cattle bar on front that slid into the back of my car at speed. He slid diagonally into the rear and punched inbetween the rear lights, which probably did less damage than hitting it straight on. The rear panel on mine was pushed in a lot more than your car is with the rear bumper sticking out at 45deg on either side, and the boot floor and hatch were mangled.

Buckled the rear wings on the Rover Coupe that I got pushed into! Result

This was many years ago and the total repair bill came in just over 5k which the insurance paid up for, much to my amazment! New boot floor, rear panel, bumpers, drivers rear quarter panel, American rear hatch, front head light, and respray. Took the car to AmD afterwards for some Konis and the chassis was still good and as far as I know it wasn't jigged at the VW body shop.

... J754WBO RIP


Or get it cheap and break it for parts, gota be some money there.


Oh yeah, afterwards I was always nervous when cars behind didn't look like they were stopping quickly enough.

... one week later I totalled my other car, so there's one less Nova GSI on the road than there could be now.

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Oh yeah, afterwards I was always nervous when cars behind didn't look like they were stopping quickly enough.

... one week later I totalled my other car, so there's one less Nova GSI on the road than there could be now.


Damn shame that :lol:

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The most hated thing about this is that you have to say you have had a no fault accident that really does my head in :mad:


Ive seen panel beaters weld plates onto the rear back panel attach a chain and attach other end to skip or similar and try and pull the twisties out to some xtent before going mad with a hammer !

check for kink in roof too,usually by the 'A' posts and check the door gaps too.


in the real world shes due a shell,obviously unobtainable new :( :(


As for fiesta flights they were 1.3 as far as I can remember but did not come with the xr2i foglight setup at front,but did have the xr2i alloy wheels,worth checking if the insurance get stroppy or the 3rd party does.

I would be surprised if its declared.


finally sorry to see another damaged even if not beyond repair. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:



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well its been picked up today and taken away for inspection.


i`ve been up and revoved everyhthing i could that wouldnt be noticed, stereo, speakers spare, etc,


beeftech, your right about clas c&d salvage, the insurance say it will sell it back if its in one of these classes,


i`m not sure about repairing it but i would like to strip and sell it, sonia`s a bit nervous about driving it now its been in a crash


but i could use it as an educational process i mean strip the engine etc and rebuild it therefore will make a saving on garage bills when mine goes wrong!


i`ll wait to hear from the insurance company and keep you all posted

thanx for the support! :)

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spoke to the garage today, its been examined with the approved garage-Ford franchise!!!! :x


price for repair £2626 inc VAT :shock: :shock:


i knew it was gonna be a lot but............


had a laugh with the bodyshop though,

he was like God these cars are expensive to fix

me: yeah i know i`ve got another at home

him:oh dear


he even tried for to source parts from other manufacturers, he`d be lucky!


he did comment on how clean it was and that he hadnt seen one for years, its a shame etc.... i thought that was nice



rear bumper £378+vat

boot floor £324+vat

rear panel £250ish+vat


front bumper can be repaired and slam panel little bit bent but ok to just pull out


spoke to insurance about salvage and they gonna get back to me, so may wel have lots of spares from a 1990 16v with black interior soon


book price £1250-1500 with that milage and age, what do you guys think??


im gonna go for £2000 or £1600 and my car, does that sound right??lots of photos and blags etc

please comment!

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PM me if you need a solicitor to deal with a claim for compensation for you. My firm specialise in personal injury work and would be happy to help you out. Really sorry to hear about the Corrado too, hope she makes a full recovery. Someone pulled into mine in 1990 when she was brand new. It was heartbreaking, but she recovered and did 210,000 trouble free miles before I sold her to get my VR6. She's still in the family and running happily!



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BlackberryVR6, thanx mate we`ve made a case with our insurance company Norwich union direct who put us in touch with RAC legal who in turn put us through to Hendersons (0151-liverpool i think?) who are going to deal with our claim.

dont really know the score with all this stuff but would greatly apprieciate any help or advice you can give us!


please feel free to PM me with any ideas or anything as i dont really want to put it up on the forum if its gonna be a legal matter


again thank you and i may PM you if i`m not sure about something..... of course, if you dont mind????


cheers Ben & Sonia

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BlackberryVR6, thanx mate we`ve made a case with our insurance company Norwich union direct who put us in touch with RAC legal who in turn put us through to Hendersons (0151-liverpool i think?) who are going to deal with our claim.


Have had personal dealings with personal injury claims with HENDERSONS.

IMHO I advise anyone to avoid them if only for the reason that I get the impresson they get so many clients (perhaps having done a deal with recovery firms?) and tend to rush through claims without the personal treatment.

My advice would be to employ a local solicitor who has experience of PIC and to avoid this firm.

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well just spoke to insurance fellah and he offered me £1250 for the corrado

£216 for the buy back!


said i wasnt happy with the value and he got a bit arsey saying "well, 1990, 127K blah blah blah,said i wanted to refuse the offer and would fax him examples of the cars value, said i had another one so i know the actual value and that finding a replacement is getting more and more difficult,


he then changed his tone and said he wouldnt process the report until he heard from me and probably not send the report til friday so i wouldnt have to pay for storage etc so that cheered me up a bit!


anyone been in a similar situation?? i told him i wanted £2k for the car and he said it was unreasonable


is it just a case of argueing my case saying i want an equivalent car


help/advice greatly appreiciated!!



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216quid for the buyback, Thats a bargain


1250 is a bit unfair though, can see what he's kinda saying 1990 127k, but that still does not reflect the car's condition and the fact to find one of similar quality would cost you around 2000.


Least you make money if you can buy back the car and sell on or break.


I wished i worked in that department of NU, would love to know their policy in these situations.

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it is a bargain for buy back, but i`m still gonna push for more ££££, got lots of examples to fax to him tommorrow to show what its worth!!


i`ll let you know!!

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right i`ve got £1600 for the car and bought it back for £350 the higher he went the higher the salvage went so compromised, that was the max he would go to, if i`d refused again he said he had to send his report and the car would go into holding


i didnt want that as my mate who was doing the same ended up with his car in scotland(long way from here!!!)and so couldnt get it back!


anyway the cars been picked up this morning and is at my parents house, and yes they`re dead chuffed about that!!!


gonna start stripping it tomorrow so keep an eye on for sale bits off 1990 1.8 16v or if anyone wants anything feel free to drop me a line and i`ll get back to you, cant really say about time though as i`m working away next week but i`ll do as much as i can ASAP



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hiya guys an gals


sorry i`ve been working away for a while and just got back this minute and got back to recieve a few PM`s regarding sonia`s car!(on the forum straight away-sad :?: )


yes i have it back and the majority of parts(engine inc... are gonna be for sale (the more the better except exhaust and taillights so far)


i`m starting to strip it tomorrow and will, in time replying to everyone


so, banana man, coolrado, joebrent i`l get in touch ASAP probably tomorrow night!


everyone else please PM with requests and offers if you want?





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