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Ice White Socks

Corrado in Storage for a year or two?

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Am coming to the conclusion that the Corrado is such a cracking car that it would be well worth holding onto and keeping as a weekend driver. I have also noticed that I only REALLY ever appreciate the Corrado any more is when I get back into it after driving another car ( A good example being my mates new 1.8T A3 last weekend- the Corrado felt sooo fast after driving that :) )


Thing is I can't realistically afford to keep two cars on the road right now. Was thinking about picking up a dirt cheap A3 1.6 and putting the corrado into storage for a year; rather than stack up millions of miles on it. Are there any companies who will store a car for you- obviously I wouldn't have to insure it or tax it and then I could just pull it back out of storage in a couple of years time when I have a company motor- and just blat at the weekends when I will appreciate it so much more? Anyone know anywhere and how much it would cost. Do think its a good idea :?



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A mate of mine stores his classic Alfa Spyder over the winter every year...


He got in touch with a local storage place and they keep the car in their warehouse for him... Think it costs him a couple of hundred quid a year for the storage, but that's insured by them, it's secure (with BIG dogs!) and he can visit it any time he likes... 8) Oh, it's also heated and dry too, so less likely to encourage the old dreaded tin-worms to strike... kinda essential on an Italian car! :lol: ;)

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How do people feel using their Corrado as a daily driver? I have to use mine every day and worry about it getting dinged in the local main street. Are they desirable enough now to start thinking about locking them up as some kinda investment? Every day the forum seems to have a posting from a member who's just had their car smashed or damaged.

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It's a car, drive it. If it gets smashed, get it fixed. If you're not going to drive it, you might as well collect lovely gnome ornaments instead...:lol:

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I just worry about the amount of small journeys I do in my car having a detrimental effect on the engine.. i'd say about 95% of my journeys are 10 minute commutes to work in stop start traffic. I've just about got general parking covered now so that dings are less of a worry!

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One big flaw in the plan Ice White Socks, putting her in storage for a year or two means not driving her for a year or two. Surely not an option!

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Surely most of us bought a Corrado 'cause we like em and want to enjoy em. I'm with dinkus on this................go out and enjoy it and don't worry about the problems that may occur..............just fix em when they happen.

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Buy two - store one! Problem solved! :D


ah ha..........then again glenn...........are you not still a 2 Corrado-owning forum member :?: .....................

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I'm putting between 16 and 20K per year onto my Corrado... at the end of the day it's a car, but it's a car which normally puts a smile on my face on the way to and from work which I know I wouldn't have got from any other car I could have bought for what I've spent on J-DUB.... 8)


I've not bought her and spent what I have on her to make money, or as an investment... I've done it for ME to enjoy and to prove to myself and a few others that I CAN do something like this.... 8)


I think it's sad to see a car like the Corrado locked away somewhere, never being used or enjoyed.... What's the point? Odds are in 10 to 15 years they'll be pretty much outlawed, or just priced/taxed off the roads anyway so enjoy 'em while you've got 'em! :D :lol: If you wanna make money, stick it in the bank in a high interest account... :roll:

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I sure am Roddy!


well store the VR and use the valver as a daily driver :wink: ..........which tbh..........i know which one would be the daily driver :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

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If you can manage it, get a second car, I run a mk2 8v GTi as my daily and use my Corrado only for journeys over 15 miles.. ...well try to.. not very well infact because its such a lovely drive and looks great, but that was the idea

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I do store both my Storm and the Campaign over the winter, luckily I have access to a 2nd garage at my parents house. I've then got the Vento for a daily driver, mainly because it's "more practical". I was in a similar position about 8 years ago when I had just bought my really nice Scirocco Storm and was doing about 500 miles a week+ I needed a "commuting wagon" and ended up buying an identical Scirocco Storm as it because I just loved it sooo much.

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if you are going to store it long term give it a good clean up first, waxoil the chassis, give all the rubber bits a good coat of something like armourall, put a good antifreeze/corosion inhibiter in the cooling system and lubricate any moving parts hinges linkages ect.

at least then if you have to put it in storage it should be ok when you start using it again.

does seem a shame not to use it though :(

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