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opinions on my situation please

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12 months ago was my 21st birthday and my present was money towards a new car.


i had wanted a corrado ever since i could remember but as all 18 year old guys i could never afford the insurance.


finally though there was light at the end of the tunnel. after 8 months of deciding what to get i finally thought it was worth the gamble and went looking for G60s.


after going to see a few absolutle wrecks i was presently surprised when i found a G60 from germany with 127k km (about 80 k miles) it was being sold by a company who specialised in corrados, so i made my way down and met the guy who i had arranged to view the car with, he said there was someone else coming to look at the car but i could see it if i wanted. unfortunately the car was blocked into the garage by other cars and we could not get it out for a test drive. i was extremley keen to buy it though so i had a good look over it ( taking into consideration the great buying guide on the forum)

the engine was sweet, there were a few scratches and chips, but nothing more than you would expect from a 14 year old car. i was getting to thew stage where i was really keen on the car, and then, the other guy turns up. says hes moving to germany and needs a car to take his stuff over, he ended up nearly putting a deposit down on it but i got there before him, because i had not driven the car we agreed that i would drive it when i came to collect it and if there were any problems i would get my full deposit back, perfect, i couldnt have been happier, and 4 days later i collected my new g60,

it was only when i got home i realised there was something fishy going on,

I had driven home and the trip mileage was reading 20, the exact same as the number of miles from the garage to my house, no problem you may think, but this was a car which was reading 127K kilometres, i finally realised it was a US spec car and they use miles over there, the next day i rang the guy to ask him about it and he said that the clocks had been changed over from km to miles and it was reading miles now but up till it was imported it had been running kilometres,' ABSOLUTE HORSESH1T' i thought, and began getting angry with him on the phone, he protested that the car had only done 80k miles and agreed he would send me the documentation from the company who changed the clocks over, i was still absolutley dumbstruck by this point but thought the guy sounded genuine and thought id give him the benifit of the doubt, stupid i know but sometimes you do stupid things, the car seemed fine though so i was happy with it for the meantime,


the battery went dead on the 3rd day of having it, another 50 quid at halfords but i couldnt be botherd with the hassle of going back and speaking to him so just replaced it, next up, it was running low on oil, funny that, especially when the car had "supposed" to have been serviced the day before i picked it up. just put some oil in it and carried on as usual. again i couldnt be bothered with the hassle of driving 40 miles there and back for him to put oil in it.

then the cat went, and the break pads, and the electric windows stopped working. i was beginning to get massivley pissed off and so called him.

" im afraid the break pads and cat are wear and tear so theres nothing i can do". was his reply. how helpful, for a guy who is supposed to be a corrado enthusiast. to his credit he did end up putting me in touch with a company who put a decat pipe on it,

however i had still not received the documentation for the clocks so went over to speak to him, he actually had the cheek to get angry with me when i asked him what mail company he was using because it sounded like they sent everything via australia.

so i left again waiting and waiting for this information, and to this day i have never recieved it, i actually rang trading standards and they said i had a good case for taking him to court, when i chalenged him about it again and told him i wanted him to take the car back he told me the company were about to go bankrupt and id get nothing, so i plodded along as usual in the hope that maybe one day i might get this documentation.

untill last week on my way into town before going off on holiday in the evening, and the car started feeling a litlle sluggish, then it over heated and water was pissing out of the tank onto the engine. i called a tow company and had it sent to a garage who i know the owner of and told him to sort it out for when i get back from holiday. so i return on monday morning to find out the head gasket has gone.

you can imagine how im feeling at the moment and worst of all it went out of its three month warranty while i was on holiday,


i purposley havent mentioned the name of the company or the name of the guy, out of pure hope that when i ring him tomorrow he will agree to do the work under warranty,


however if he does not i am going to personally make sure he goes out of business, as i said before i have good grounds to take him to court, and if he does go bankrupt then at least im safe in the knowledge that under that name and company he cant do to anyone else, what he has done to me,




its very hard to explain to everyone that your an idiot and you made a mistake so i dont want replies saying, "you should have done this or that", i already know what ive done wrong and the last thing i need is people reminding me.


if you want to know the name of the company i will post it up tomorrow provided he doesnt agree to do the work.


thanks for reading and i look forward to your replies

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thats damn unlucky mate i cant really offer any advice just a bit of sympathy and i hope you get it all sorted ASAP


probably worth seeing a solicitor, all sales have got to be honest so if he didnt tell you something which you asked about then i think you`ve probably got a good case!


how much did you pay and is it worth doing Hpi or RAC check or something to back you up!?


good luck mate dont let it put you off the corrado`s!

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Bummer dude... you have my sympathies... I hope it all works out OK for you. 8)

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I'm a lawyer so can give a few general tips. You can reject a car, but have to do so pretty quickly after taking delivery for it to be effective. Any more than 6 weeks or so and you cannot usually get away with rejecting the car. Once you have passed this stage you need to consider whether there has been any breach of contract. Here there may have been, as it would seem that he may have misrepresented the mileage here. That would entitle you to claim for a breach of contract and try and get damages, or possibly even all your money back. You would need some proof of the misrepresentation. The fact that he has not sent you the documents is some evidence in support of a suspicion that all is not well. What you ought to do is write to the previous owners and see if they can give you any information. If they support your suspicions then suing the garage is a pretty easy thing to do.


So long as you do not say anything defamatory, posting the details of the garage here should not cause you any problems.


Good luck,



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BlackberryVR6, i think youre gonna be a valuable addition to the forum! :wink:


you may be getting some PM`s soon (if you dont mind)from me and others!

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unfortunatley i cant get hold of the previous owner as they are in germany, i do still have to origional advertisment for the car, clearly stating the mileage was 82 k. its not the fact the head has gone but more to do with the mileage, the car was 2700, a good price for a g60 with the supercharger just rebuilt and 82k, however not a good pice when its done 130 k

thanks for your replies,

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mate I cant help but you have my sympathy - sometimes i wish I could be as big a c**t as some people out there but it just isnt in me.


hate to hear of things like this happening :(

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hmm i've considered expert technik myself even though its a 400 mile round trip... err not anymore though :mad:


jeeez i thought these guys were enthusiasts !!

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they got loads of C`s on autotrader and i lways was a bit dubious of them!!!


seen as i am looking for a new one i`m defo going private....gonna buy of here if i can?!

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hmm i've considered expert technik myself even though its a 400 mile round trip... err not anymore though :mad:


jeeez i thought these guys were enthusiasts !!



is very strange how this company that specialises in Corrado's only seem to have appeared in the past year or so...........without them using the net's biggest Corrado resource :wink: to advertise their existence either :wink: .........also no mention of the VR6 timing chain problems in the recent used car buyer guide "expert" view from them

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Lets not be hasty here.. A company that specialises in Corrados is inevitably going to provide a cross section of Corrados for sale - and we all know how ropey a lot of them are out there. A company that deliberately misrepresents a car for sale is another matter, however!!

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dr_mat, you are absolutley right.

i purposely did not include the name of the company in the post for this reason, i just wanted peoples opinions, i have actually spoken to the guy today and he still maintains he can prove the mileage is in kilometres, aparrently all cars that are imported to germany have to be changed over to km, i dont know how much truth there is in that but he has agreed to look at my car and come to an arrangement about the work, and will give me the documentation when i take the car over next week.

hopefully we will agree on a course of action which will get my much loved G60 back on the road,

thanks for your replies

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Word of warning. All C's are VERY old and any car of this age will have things go wrong with it.


When dealing with cars of this age, all that dealers do, is buy cheap and add a profit. You are miles better off buying private and then taking it to Darren/John or stealth etc. That is the only way you know the work is done.


The prices these guys charge are ridiculous, seeing the number of cars he has bought off of Ebay is a little worring for me.. :p

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in hindsight i can see your right, the problem is that when you see a dealer who specialises in corrados you tend to think they are an enthusiast themselves. in fact you wouldnt think a corrado specialist would want the hassle of having everyone know they arent as genuine as they make out, perhaps he doesnt even know this forum exsists, anyway im not trying to make this into a witch hunt as he has agreed to look at the car and come to some sort of agreement over the price, lets hope he makes a good job of the work.

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just to bring you guys up to speed if anyone was interested,

i was due to tow the car down today and have him look at it but when i phoned he said he wouldnt be around till saturday, and i was to ring him on sat to organise it, after weighing up my options and speaking to a few people ive decided im not taking the car back to him, i have a friend who has agreed to do the work, and to be honest the guy has messed me about so much i dont want anything mnore to do with him. he said he was going out of business at the end of the week so il keep my eye out to see if hes still trading, in the meantime a letter is going to trading standards as i believe they like to investigate people like this.

thanks for ur replies

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It's horrible to find that your worst suspicions have been confirmed (if we are actually discussing that company in Basingstoke) and it would appear that just such is occuring here.


Several months ago I drove a friend of mine down (from Leicester) to check over a 'minter' 16V. Having made a prior booking we were surprised to discover the said vehicle leaving the premises upon our arrival on a test-drive. "Never mind" we thought, "It will give us the chance to have a chat and see what the crack is." Suffice to say that we glanced over the other vehicles on sale and were singularly unimpressed with their quality. We had a discussion with the 'Owner' who was similarly disenchanting - some of the claims he made regarding the performance of his vehicles and his business were, to say the least, slightly less than credible. Anyway, after fifteen minutes or so the particular vehicle we had come to view returned to the premises with its offside rear brake on fire! The prospective purchaser and vendor headed to the office, apparently oblivious to this occurence so my ally went and advised them of it. "Yeah, We know" the vendor laughed "We just got pulled for it." "They're knocking fifty quid off and I'm buying it" followed the purchaser. We left without further discussion not knowing whether the vendor's attitude to their prospective customers, their obvious attention to detail in the vehicles they sell, or the purchaser's blind courage was more worthy of our attention.


I failed to bring my experience with this company to the attention of the Forum because I had not read any similar stories and felt that "maybe we had caught them on a bad day." I am only sorry that my failure to forewarn may have allowed someone less experienced than myself and my friend to fall into their clutches :( :( :(

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Are these also the same jokers that give give there 'specialist' opinion in this months Used Car buyers guide for the VR6??


Funny how I've been a CCGB member for about 5 years now and have never heard of this 'specialist' :?

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Blair, firstly I am sorry for the hassle you have had with this so called 'specialist'

From what I can tell, you have clear grounds for an action against him and in my opinion you are likely to succeed. The unfortunate thing is if he IS telling the truth and is about to declare bankruptcy, in which case there may be a delay and/or only a partial financial recompense.


Surely it is time to name this individual and his practice on this forum?

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