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VR6 head ... going ... going - gone!

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Ok, so for two years I kept falling over and running into lampposts while starring at a Corrado drive past me and then finally I got myself one.

Its a K reg and at first seemed like it needed some minor work - the usual C stuff like the heater controls and sunroof etc.

Now that i have driven it around it has come to my attention that either the head gasket is going or the valve seals. Either way, I have decided that if I am doing one I might as well do the other and a whole bunch of other stuff like replace all the chain tensioners, the chain itself, tappets and maybe the clutch but i think that might be new.


So, it seemed to me like a shame to take the whole engine apart and not get some work done on the head. It hasn’t gone yet so its not like its warped or anything but from what I have read it is a worth while exercise to undertake.


So here is what I was hopping to find out:

a. Is it worth getting the work done?

b. Is it possible to do it yourself & how hard is it? (http://thepolishingshop.co.uk/shopimages/i_portingkit.gif - port polish kit)

c. If not possible to it yourself, where is the cheapest place to get it done? No idea about the prices but Vince quoted me £600 + VAT for gasflowing, port polish, re-profiled valves, valve seats and valve throats.



Thanks a lot and sorry to go on a bit. :oops:

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thanx kev, its not a problem having the car off the road as i have another car i can be driving around while the C is getting some TLC.

Ok, so its worth doing the head but how hard would it be to do it myself, i have a garage and standart tools i.e. nothing specalized for head work?


One thing i have learned very quicky is that doing it yourself is a hell of a lot cheaper what ever that might be. I am thinking this one might be for the proffesionals though!? :|

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Do the dis-assembling yourself and send the head to vince.... put it all back together yourself....

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Yeah DIY is cheaper and you learn a lot in the process. The VR engine is a big pussy cat and easy to work on. A lot of people are scared of it, even professional mechanics. Go to a dealer and ask for a chain overhaul and you'll see the mechanics either laugh or cry..... but it's far from a daunting task. They're just wimps :wink:


You do have to be careful with cam alignment on the VR head though. It's easy for novices to get them 180 degrees out of phase and also a tooth out on the timing...... that is pretty much the only critical thing you have to watch for. Everything else, bar a few things, is as per a 4 cylinder engine, just on a bigger and heavier scale!

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thanks for the tips Kev, much appriciated! not really bothered about getting my hands into it and pulling the engine apart, although misstakes will be made i am sure, it will be a learning curve.


so, are we basicly saying that do everything yourself but leave the actual head work up to the Pros? the £750 + vat was excluding the £150 charge which you get back once you send the old head down i.e. exchange bases. any good? the guys at TSR seem about the same.

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I would always entrust a head rebuild to the pros as you need specialist tools and experience. Check your yellow pages for local engine builders and get some quotes. Stealth and Grant Motorsport always do a fantastic job on VR heads but they are very busy people, so could be a lengthy turn-around. They charge around £300 for a standard build. Flowing and porting isn't worth it on a VR unless you use uprated cams, bigger throttle body and a Schrick manifold or capacity increase.


I was thinking that head for sale on here would be ideal for you if you can find a good engine shop locally as you can still use the car whilst they're prepping it and you can then sell your old head on afterwards. Don't get the head skimmed, many places insist on it but it will muck up the valve timing.


Go for it mate, get that engine out and learn what makes it tick.


I couldn't be arsed to do mine and am luckily in a posititon to be able to afford getting it done professionally, but if I was skint I'd have no qualms doing the job myself.


All the info you need is here :wink:

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ive bought a spare head ready for a rebuild,i paid £120 for it and it came with cams,exhaust manifolds etc,ill probably get it flowed etc as im looking at modding the engine over the winter if i can find a suitable place to store the car

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Hi Tom


My vr (golf - OBD1) is in @ stealth in 3 weeks to have the schrick BVH & cams fitted - so I will have a spare head available at Stealth if it helps you. I'm guessing that the head is the same for 2.8 & 2.9 ? :?: Apologies if I'm being stupid.



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You'll have to let me know what the Schrick BVH is like as I've been interested in those for ages..... :lol:


Yeah 2.8 and 2.9 heads are the same.


I'm at Stealth on 20th Sept to get the Schrick 268s fitted to mine.....

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Will do. I already have the VSR and I have heard that the BVH and 268's go very well together - cant wait :D :D :D :D

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Thats one very very nice C. 8)


I will only be missing the GF TB on mine from that spec which I cant quite afford yet. I'm at 195bhp/torque at the moment on Stealths rollers (on one very hot day after the car had been running) so that output would be amazing - cant see me getting that much torque though !


Is there no-one else on here with a BVH from shrick or TSR?


Sorry to hijack the thread !

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Nope, no one else on here with a BVH....I think we're too scared of slowing the gas speed down too much and losing torque :lol: I'm dreading sticking the 268s in and finding I have bugger all torque :( Don't suppose you know what the actual duration of the 268s is do you? The standard cam is something like 214 !!


I have heard that the 268 and VGI were made to work together though, giving both bottom and top end improvements, so we'll see......


What size valves are this Schrick BVH then? 41 inlet, 36.2 exhaust?

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Whao - mechanic type questions :shock: so I may be wrong here.......


I understand that the 268's are 225 degrees and if you get a BVH these provide more benefit (obviously I suppose). I also understand the inlet are 41 and exh are 36 as you say or 2mm more than standard - again I may be wrong.


I was hoping for around 220bhp with a small increase in torque & I have also heard its a good combo but as you say, we'll see.

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Yeah Stage 41/36 sounds about right. That's basically where the power comes from, enlarging the inlets. You'll get 16 - 20 wheel horsepower from that alone and another 10 with the cams, so 220 isn't unfeasible. I'm hoping for around the 220 mark too and Stealth regularly see 215 to 225bhp from a 2.9 with VGI and 268s + remap.

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RPM in kent. about £550. for a ported head, inc guides etc, excellent guys, and very reasonable,

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RPM in kent. about £550. for a ported head, inc guides etc, excellent guys, and very reasonable,


They have a reputation that's soooooo good too! :D They did all the machining and a large chunk of the gasflowing and porting (including head rebuild) on my G60 and I've been nothing but impressed by their work... 8)

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