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VW Corrado Club of Great Britain.

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whats it like ? is it worth joining ? looked at the site a few times but just dunno ...nowt wrong with this site at all , its a mine of info, i spend hours just checking out old threads but the more the merrier :lol:





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Well you get a discount (usually 10%) at the stealers with a CCGB card, which will save you many times the membership fee :) You also get The Sprinter which has how-to articles on how to do some of the more complicated stuff as well as updates on club events, shows and the like. Oh and you get a rather funky CCGB sticker to put on your C too :D

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I've been in it for three years now, my stealer dont give me 10% discount cause of it, I thought it used to be able to get you into the parts club but dont any more. its a good club though,


But this year since payin my membership i have only recieved one sprinter magazine, doubt i will get many more 1, 2 possibly. Their is no specific ccgb show like last years, Just feel like for my membership cost this year i havent got much value for money. Unlike last year where trip to woburn, free mug and a few more mags seemed more worthwhile.


No doubt i will renew it next year, but will hope for a bit more.

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I have to admit that the Sprinter side of things has been a let down this year - Jeremy has been exceptionally busy with his own personal life I know, but when you are paying a membership fee it makes that a little hard to accept as a reason.


But I still won't hesitate to renew with the club again in January... they have put on plenty of good events for members including last years National Day - and there are plenty of other services and benefits for club members (like Techknow Files, etc)


Oh, and just so you know, there should still be a National Day this year.. the CCGB chairman is trying to get something put together :)

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GIXXERUK - Indeed I did :)


Crazymarcel - They should all give you some kind of discount, 10% seems the norm, but I don't think there is actually an agreed amount. Technically, you shouldn't get parts club discount with CCGB membership, but if you have a nice stealer like mine they'll give it to you anyway.


If you stealer isn't giving you a discount, then go elsewhere ;)

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Crazymarcel, I normally struggle to get discount from Robinsons unless I deal with the couple of parts guys there who know me fairly well, but NVWC generally give me 10% discount every time. Makes me laugh because all they do is order the bits in for me from ....Robinsons!

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dinkus , kvwloon Yep i can usually negoiate a deal,at one place or other, but was just sayin the ccgb membership card i dont think gives u guareenteed rights to 10% off/



Sorry dint mean this to go OT about if people can get parts discount or not.

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I was going to Join......... I really was..............


But thought Heck I'll give the £15 to Andi instead as he and the website has done more for me than the CCGB


Oh theres another story but that will keep for another day :D

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I have to admit that the Sprinter side of things has been a let down this year - Jeremy has been exceptionally busy with his own personal life I know, but when you are paying a membership fee it makes that a little hard to accept as a reason.


Oh, and just so you know, there should still be a National Day this year.. the CCGB chairman is trying to get something put together :)


I was thinking about this the other day. Can't remember the last time i recieved a copy of sprinter. I usually have a chat with jeremy at tatton but didn't see him this year. Maybe its abit too much responsablity/time consuming leaving the club mag to one person? I'd be happy to contribute showpics and event reports.


First i've heard about a National Day, this year? 2004?

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Can only agree that thorugh the discounts I managed to get my membership fee back more than once. As I occasionally travel across to the continent (going again this Thursday - taking the Storm Rocco or the Rado,... decisions :lol: ) booking my ferry ticket through Drewe Travel (mentioned on the CCGB website), you get a nice 10% discount there as well :D One ferry trip and I had my membership fee back.



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I was thinking about this the other day. Can't remember the last time i recieved a copy of sprinter. I usually have a chat with jeremy at tatton but didn't see him this year. Maybe its abit too much responsablity/time consuming leaving the club mag to one person? I'd be happy to contribute showpics and event reports.


First i've heard about a National Day, this year? 2004?


Aye.. the problem is at the CCGB AGM, no one else really wants to volunteer for (nor has the time and resources) to produce the Sprinter magazine so Jeremy is always left to do it.


I agree that the Sprinter really needs more than one person on it. Again, this is not levelled as a dig at Jeremy - he's done the Sprinter (ans the club) proud for a long time but its clear that RealLife™ is becoming too important to co-exist with the Sprinter magazine.


As for a National Day - well - thats what I heard off John M a few weeks back. Nothing is set in stone thats for sure, but he's having a go at trying to sort something out apparently!

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Must admit I really enjoyed getting The Sprinter, but haven't really bothered renewing my lapsed mebership since hearing of the lack of regular issues ( I appreciate it's a tough job though, as do the same thing for local fencing club....people always ask when the next Newsletter is out, but never contribute much). The merest hint of a National Day however and I'd rejoin like a shot, Woburn was brilliant!

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Well you should sign back up as National Days are planned to be a yearly occurance as far as I know. Woburn was a resounding success and all the club members expressed that at the AGM so the club decided to try and make it a proper event which runs every year, but make it so we have a northern and a southern event (so that the Scottish CCGB members aren't left out) and then a mega meet every other year.

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I saved around £55 on my last purchase of bits from a VW dealer by waving my VW CCGB card at them... Definitely worth the £15 subs!! :)

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