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No your Honour, I wasnt going 115mph.....Honest!!!

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However, to fund his legal challenge meant Lucas had to sell his car." like jet said its still wrong even though he won :(

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rofl, it might change my opinions on Puntos.....................nah ;)

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i wonder what will happen with me...i was doing around 55mph (according to the police traffic dept) in a 30mph zone, but they have no speed camera shots, no mobile police, just a calculation of skid mark lengths and braking distance.

Both vehicles including mine and a taxi that turned in front of me to park on my side of the road were a write off.


the took blood tests 5hrs after the incident...but i admitted i had a bit to drink 1hr before i drove, and using my estimated height and weight (8stone and 5" 8'), it came back negative at the time it was taken but the back calculation came back positive.


Its been 3months so far and i haven't heard a peep from them still...my solicitor needs the police report to sort out who was more liable for the crash, but can't until the police decide what both drivers outcomes are!


What do you think i'll get? :roll:

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You should take it on the chin.


Nearly double the limit and drink driving? Sorry, but its hard to be sympathetic. You should get a short ban.. if not, quite a few points and a hefty fine.

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thanks jim...no sympathy needed..i made a huge mistake i know. I just don't want a big ban thats all. I'm hoping for 12months really and points for the speeding. But it could go another way, points and a fine? perhaps 9points and a £2k fine?

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Didn't mean to sound overly harsh mate earlier - sorry - its good to see that you realise it was a mistake and that you want to put it behind you.


Hard to say really - I just don't know what the rules are in these kinds of situtations - but given the circumstances, I think they are really gonna read you the riot act :(


I think you have to be a rather spectacular f**k up before they ban you for more than 12 months.. so I think thats a realistic ban duration to aim for.

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Hey Dubb,

No offence but 8 stone and 5'8"---sure you aint a stick? I wish I had those figures :(

Jeez! double one and half the other :elephant:

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Does anyone actually know what the limit is for drinking and driving and not milligrams of alcohol in the blood, a rough guide to number of average pints of lageror units of alcohol, makes more sense, Its always a discussion between me and my friends recently between 1 unit and 5 units, on the assumption that 1 pint is 2 units. Any ideas? Lets try and keep all of us on the road. :)

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Does anyone actually know what the limit is for drinking and driving and not milligrams of alcohol in the blood, a rough guide to number of average pints of lageror units of alcohol, makes more sense, Its always a discussion between me and my friends recently between 1 unit and 5 units, on the assumption that 1 pint is 2 units. Any ideas? Lets try and keep all of us on the road. :)


You cannot judge this by "a rough guide to number of pints".

There are a few factors which are involved:

1) height & weight

2) what you have eaten

3) your body's natural ability to process the alcohol

4) your metabolism.


So the best thing is drink absolutley NOTHING!


The phrase "but I've only had one drink" is far to common with people who have just failed the breath test & are on their way to court for fines/ban's.


If you decide to drive & not drink then you should do just that.


Remember, drinking & driving could lead to an innocent party following you to the pearly gates!


PS Ironic really what it says in the line below!!! :oops:

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Skimask- yes mate i am stick thin! can't help it really, i have a high metabolism and just burn it off as energy :wink:


The blood test was carried out as i couldn't do the breathaliser when i hit the steering wheel and bent it with my chest.

They said i was between 80-120mg...but they werent sure exactly how much.

I was driving normally up until that stretch of road came and thought i'd give it a good pelt just to hear the induction roar...but the taxi decided to go for it at the same time...


both are an average really..but i'm not sure how accurate the speed calculation is, from an ex-copper i have found out that they have a special testing facility that has a 'ghost vehicle' they call it, which has sensors/cameras all over it..and it weighs roughly the same amount as the car involved.


As for the drinking...i was at a barbeque which started at 6pm..i started at 6.30 and drank shots of vodka and sambuca in a drinking game and on the side had a bottle of WKD blue too. stopped drinking at around 11pm and just got my mind together..

drove my passengers home first at about 12.30pm and also at 12.45 (time of crash)...

The blood test of taken at 5.30am and was back calculated to the incident.

:?: :?: :?: :| :?: :?: :?:

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IIRC the limit is or was 35 mg, so no matter what you were well over (not being arsey) i wrote off my first car due to drinking but i failed the roadside but got 34mg on the station breathalyser after being arrested


had to do a driver improvement course etc ... but i was lucky to get all that i did, safe to say i dont DD as a rule, occasionaly have had A beer a driven but i dont do it any more and quite regularly boll`ck my mates when they do


its all too common nowadays, and it just made me think how i`d feel if some pi$$ed person(ie me)slammed into my car


we can only learn from our/others mistakes


hope it works out OK for you-goodluck!

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thanks guys...i really dont tollerate drink driving now...and yeah bollocks to my mates, but they've kinda realised its a stupid risk to take.

I didn't realise it was 35mg...hmm...i better be sure then that it WAS between what i said...might of been 40. He was reeling a load of numbers to me and i wasn't listening very well at the time,

I'd love to get a driver improvement course/points and a fine...but i sincerely doubt they'll take any mercy on me.


I wonder what 6points, no no-claims and at 23yrs old will be? on a G60 no less. :roll:

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Painful. If you want any chance of insuring it, you want it absolutely bog standard and unmodified.


I've got 3 years No Claims, 0 points and am 23 and i'm paying about £1300 - and that was the best I could find!

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ouch! with 3yrs its £1300...but is that fully comp? I'm willing to pay £130 per month max...thats near £1600.


at the minute i havent got banned...i have 3yrs no claims, i'm 21 and going to turn 22 in november, and have 3points for a traffic light jumper.


I just popped down to edition38...nice corrado stand!! some very tasty dubs down there, but its soo damn hot to walk about and my mums scirocco is black so its too hot to sit inside. thought i'd nip home for a quick post. :wink:

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Going down to E38 tomorrow - should be good - how much is it to get in?


Yeah that is fully comp - I can't afford to fix my car if I stack it so i'd rather pay a few hundred quid a year more for some piece of mind :)

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I got pulled doing 110 recently after I upgraded from a G60 to VR6. Ive got my court case on wednesday. Its just so easy to get up to those license threatening speeds before you know it.


Im just hoping that as its a first offence with no other charges, in addition to pleading guilty will minimise my pain.


I'll be back on wednesday with the results. Can every one cross their fingers at aound 10 AM on Wednesday.

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mate i'll be praying for you...i hope it goes well, i'm just anxious that mine will go ok for me..as i do want to stay on the dub scene for a while lot longer! :cry:

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