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Location of air diverter flap for aircon

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Hi Guys


Just joined the forum, but I've been checking it out over the past 4 months or so. Just got my VR about 2 weeks back - 49k on an M plate. Got a few little probs tho'

Firstly, when temp hits about 108 there is a kind of hissing noise from the passenger side under the dash as the fans come on. It goes off as the fans stop so obviously something related to the cooling system? Any ideas and is this noise normal?

The other thing is the drivers door hangs a little so when you close it it will hit the door pin and be lifted up by the pin. I've loosened the door bolts lifted the door and retightened but this hasnt solved it . Moving the door pin down as far as poss hasnt done it either. Maybe the door hinge pin has worn? If so how can I sort this one? It seems surprsing that after on 49k miles its hanging.




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I checked the car today after sitting in traffic for about 1 hour on the way to work but I cant hear anything under the bonnet, even when the fans switch in and out. Most obvious noise is from inside the cabin but under the passenger side of the dash. Any ideas? Henny, Kevhaywire, Stevemac?

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Could be your heater matrix on the way out, as that's on the passenger side in the footwell. Do you have a damp carpet down there too? (ooh err)

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Carpet seems fine at present, totally dry. How else could I check the matrix short of pulling th dash out and what would I need to look for?

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I wonder if it's associated with the auxiliary water pump whirring away.


Do you have air conditioning ? Maybe something there.


I suppose that the driver's door problem is related to age rather than mileage. It sounds like hinge pin trouble. If you lift on the latch end of the door when it is open, does it rock on the hinges? I think that these have to be drilled out, but not certain on that one.


49k miles eh? Welcome, O Lucky Man!!

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Change the header tank cap, it costs nothing and if the seal has gone it will vent and cause the coolant system to loose pressure and not cool as it should.


if it is, you will only loose a tiny amount of coolant over a month, even if thats not the problem at least you´ll have a nice clean blue cap.

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Thanks for the tips. Im gonna take the car to a body shop and have the door checked. Yep, when you lift the lock side it moves up a few cm, although its impossible to see any movement at the hinges no matter how closely you look. The aircon needs to be regassed but I'd be surprised if that has anything to do with it especially as it wheezes only when the fans come on and off. Meanwhile, I'll try a new header tank cap, (from the stealers i presume?), and check the aux water pump.


Just a general comment, came back from the gym and the car park was full of kitted up "hot hatches" and posemobiles- wannabes IMHO. My standard VR just looked effortlessly cool in front of them, even without lowered suspension and 17" alloys. I guess its a Corrado thing.

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Just a general comment, came back from the gym and the car park was full of kitted up "hot hatches" and posemobiles- wannabes IMHO. My standard VR just looked effortlessly cool in front of them, even without lowered suspension and 17" alloys. I guess its a Corrado thing.


Exactly. There will undoubtedly be times in the future when you will be in despair over the seemingly never-ending problems with the Corrado. But you reinforce my feelings precisely about why I bought the car in the first place.


Best wishes



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Changed the header thank cap to the nice blue one, but it hasnt cured the noise. Had the glovebox and lower panel out on the weekend to sort out some rattles and there are two units behind the the lower panel which may be the cause. What are these and how best to check them? The reason why i think this is where the problem lies, is because there is nothing to hear when the bonnet is open and the engine running. Carpets re totally dry and there's no steam from the vents so (I hope!) the heater matrix is okay. Any comments/suggestions?

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do you mean when the internal heater fan is switched on/off or the engine cooling fan turns on/off ??


if you are talking about the heater fan it could just be dry bearings on the fan motor or something stuck in the fan?


the hissing noise could be a worn out relay arking across its contacts ?? do you get any interference through your stereo ?

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Nope, just when the water temp hits about 108C and the two cooling fans trip in, there's a kind of wheezing/hissing sound, which lasts until the fans trip out again. Location-wise is hard to describe as I cant stick my ear'ole down the passenger footwell when I'm stuck in traffic. It is of course related to the cooling circuit although I dont know what to check, and I'm a bit uncertain about opening some of the pneumatic actuation units or cooling circuit inside the car, just in case I dump a load of coolant in the cabin.

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look under "Common Corrado Questions", a thread entitled "Dinkus making slurping noises", or something similar. In amongst the merry banter you may find some further clues to the problem you have with your cooling/heating system. I hope that helps. I'm more and more tending to think that it is related to the auxiliary water pump which, I believe, is actuated by the radiator fan cutting in.


Best wishes



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The noise is the same as that when the aircon is turned on to normal (not max) with the engine off. Is it normal for this to happen when the fans trip in? And does it make a noise on anyone elses aircon C?

Thanks chaps.

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Just to pull this old thread back, it seems it is the air diverter flap. I think that on normal aircon operation it is half shut and on full it is fully closed so there is no outside air coming into the cabin. How do i locate the flap and the actuation equipment (hope its not a whole-dash-out job)?

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So no ideas then? I cant imagine it being too complicated, just that i hope its not a question of taking out 200 screws and all of the dash. Having said that, I dont know where/how to start.

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