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Track Day Banter...

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ah I was watching you go round croft that day :) popped along with my mate who has a 306 rallye... although he wasn't on the track. Glad to see that you were holding you own against those pugs, and that civic... was quite supprised that thing wasn't faster to be honest. Its amazing how even all the cars were when on a track like croft, compared to when racing on a road.


It looked like good fun either way, would be cool to have a Corrado-forum thing like the 306 guys. Would be good see how the G60 performs on a track :) especially against u VR boys :wink:


Ahh i saw your post on gti6.com :)


Yeah i was able to hold my own mostly (not againts the 250bhp 306 ex-BTCC or the 405 T16! :shock:), depite getting black flagged in the morning :lol: But the better 306gti6 drivers definately had the edge on me...


Would be up for a Corrado track dat definately, it was £150 each for the day, and there were 33 of us I think....thats with no profit it cost that much to hire the circuit. Don't fancy organising it though, i know the guy that organised this one and it was stressful enough to almost gave him a nervous breakdown lol.

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yeah I wouldn't fancy organising an event like that... and @ £150 a head, I wouldn't even be able to afford to go myself :!: :(


Someone should do it none the less.... just so I can come and watch again :-P :lol:

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Well now you mention it, I was thinking of organising a Corrado Club track day. I think it'll be a better bet to just get a load of people to turn up to a regular track day though. That way you don't get laden with a huge bill it people don't turn up.




Any dates take your fancy?

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Bookatrack take a cut though so cost more and have un-expectadly cancelled on me at the last minute before which was very annoying as i'd already arrange leave etc :x ...this was a pay in advance event, no risk for the organiser. He collected the money, paid for the track, and then if you didn't turn up then you lost yer £150. The effort came in finding enough people who were willing to pay up front, and chasing those that had said they would for the cash, if not enough people had paid the event would've just been cancelled.


However...Donny are running a public trackday onthe 28th of November that I will probably go to. It's only £95 if you ring them direct! (Tel: 01332 819503 to book and ask for Jane) Trackzone want £159 for the same day! If you see my point ;)

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Bookatrack take a cut though so cost more and have un-expectadly cancelled on me at the last minute before which was very annoying as i'd already arrange leave etc :x ...this was a pay in advance event, no risk for the organiser. He collected the money, paid for the track, and then if you didn't turn up then you lost yer £150. The effort came in finding enough people who were willing to pay up front, and chasing those that had said they would for the cash, if not enough people had paid the event would've just been cancelled.


However...Donny are running a public trackday onthe 28th of November that I will probably go to. It's only £95 if you ring them direct! (Tel: 01332 819503 to book and ask for Jane) Trackzone want £159 for the same day! If you see my point ;)


Yeah sorry, I was just suggesting that we all turn up to a nominated track day and each pay our money. A kind of get-together at a track day rather than dedicated Corrado day.


Day at Donny doesn't sound too bad, especially for £95 ;)

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Ya pansie, take it easy and you'll be fine. You might need some new tyres and/or brake pads after tho ;)


Not sure about track insurance, I need to find that out.

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Take it and have fun, and just don't drive beyond your limits! You'll only lose control if you are pushing youself too much - you can still drive safely and have a bloody good time as proven by my day out at Bruntingthorpe ;)


Speaking of which, I am toying with the idea of trying to arrange a Corrado Forum excursion for a bit of a group thrasharama there at some point :)

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Take it and have fun, and just don't drive beyond your limits! You'll only lose control if you are pushing youself too much - you can still drive safely and have a bloody good time as proven by my day out at Bruntingthorpe ;)


Speaking of which, I am toying with the idea of trying to arrange a Corrado Forum excursion for a bit of a group thrasharama there at some point :)


Do it at the Donny day!! ;)

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yup, I'm up for another Brunters trip... This time I'll try not to let the exhaust come loose and not blow the car up the following day though... :roll: :oops: :loll:


Great thing about Brunters is there is sooooo much room that if you do stuff it up, you're less likely to meet something solid before you can regain it! 8) (he says having gotten VERY out of shape coming into the main straight... :oops: :lol: )

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There are some CGTI boys n gals organising to go to Donny for one of their own run days on 7th Nov if anyone fancies it. I shall be there in my Corrado VR :D

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I'm soooo tempted by that.... lets see if I can get the car running and bedded back in before then... 8)

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Brunters is really designed more for flat out speed what with its two mile straight - but there are a few sweeping corners you can experiments with! Plus with the track being so big and wide I am sure we could get some great photo's of lines of cars and some big "3 2 1 GO!!!!" kinda in gear sprints ;)

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If we ever have a forum one, it'd be the LAW that you'd have to bring it. You have to try and defend your purchase against a load of vicious VR6 owners ;)

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You should make it at a track a bit further north so its accesible for the whole forum. Oulton park or somewhere. :wink:

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If we ever have a forum one, it'd be the LAW that you'd have to bring it. You have to try and defend your purchase against a load of vicious VR6 owners ;)


LOL - I would be well up for that... the FTO will be a match for ANY standard VR6... would be interesting to see how it compares to a fettled one though... :lol:


So BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-P

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problem is that Oulton park is stupidly expensive to hire for a day... :| Brunters is actually reasonable cost wise which is why a lot of mags use it for articles... 8)


Oh, and there's a nice twisty circuit at Brunters too which only uses a small bit of the 2.5mile straight! 8)

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You should make it at a track a bit further north so its accesible for the whole forum. Oulton park or somewhere. :wink:


Oulton Park would be very hard on the VR6 mate... its very short and tight... the down hill section into the the chicane and up the hill is one of the hardest parts of the track and a nightmare to get it right... come off and you have a concrete wall :shock:

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I emailed Brunters to get info on whether they'd support a day for forum users ( heard about 20 cars is max though :( ) but have yet to hear a reply from them. I've always hated phoning people for some reason (kinda like that guy out of Goodfella's) but it seems like thats the next logical step in trying to progress it. From what I understand they really don't charge a lot to go nuts on the track - like £500 for half a day - so split that between 20 of us and, well, it doesn't add up to a lot for half a days hooning :)

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I emailed Brunters to get info on whether they'd support a day for forum users ( heard about 20 cars is max though :( ) but have yet to hear a reply from them. I've always hated phoning people for some reason (kinda like that guy out of Goodfella's) but it seems like thats the next logical step in trying to progress it. From what I understand they really don't charge a lot to go nuts on the track - like £500 for half a day - so split that between 20 of us and, well, it doesn't add up to a lot for half a days hooning :)


Nice one, count me in whenever it is :D

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I emailed Brunters to get info on whether they'd support a day for forum users ( heard about 20 cars is max though :( ) but have yet to hear a reply from them. I've always hated phoning people for some reason (kinda like that guy out of Goodfella's) but it seems like thats the next logical step in trying to progress it. From what I understand they really don't charge a lot to go nuts on the track - like £500 for half a day - so split that between 20 of us and, well, it doesn't add up to a lot for half a days hooning :)


Excellent, I'm sure 20 people will be very interested... infact more so, so could I slot myself into the queue before it gets filled? :D obviously premature, but its good to be prepared... ah the scouts said many a wise word :wink:

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