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Everything posted by CharlieHorse

  1. yeah do. Recon you could hook one up to a standard vr or would you have to go the whole way with the 3.2?
  2. anyone think it might be possible?
  3. I like it. Cool spoiler. Impressively boring event tho.
  4. that car under the sheet looks a bit big. Or are german people really small?
  5. Rather boring really. Wish they would just get on with it.
  6. http://audi.chtah.com/a/hBENTncAPwDBHAd ... mpok/audi1 That link is for the live webcast
  7. Here's my interior. Connolly Hide. Very nice even if i do say so myself.
  8. Can I get hold of PROPER parts like from the dealer online?
  9. Having just spent ages cutting little bit of felt and trying to stick them in places where human hands where clearly not ment to reach i'm wondering if there isnt some sort of spray on rubber type stuff i could use instead. Anyone ever seen anything like it? Or is my incredibly short attention span getting the better of me?
  10. Top mount is indeed knackered. Its now first on the list of things that need doing. Only have to worry about the other 3967 jobs. Oh joy!
  11. It used to stick occasionally when it was cold. But now after sitting in the garage for ages it wont move at all. Is it a case of rag the *^&% out of it in every gear to gently pursuade it to move or is there a better way?
  12. I havent driven the horse much for the best part of a year. Its been in the garage. So today when I get it out for the first time in ages theres this massive CLUNK noise (it really does sound nasty) when you turn the steering wheel to the left. About one turn does it then another one when you turn it back. Its comming from the passenger side while stationary or moving slowly, which is all i've done for fear of it all falling apart. I suppose I can expect something to be seized after a long period of sitting in the garage. Has this happened to anyone? Any ideas of where to start when I start pulling it all to peices? Cheers in advance Andy
  13. Ok so the front drivers side light is weak, if it works at all now. Rear side light still dont work BUT if you put the parking lights on it does and the front side light too. Dodgy earth perhaps? Where do I look? Do all the electrics earth out at one point or all over the place?
  14. the front drivers side light works. So cant be bothered with trying to fix it. But its really doin my head in. Anyone got a wiring diagram?
  15. The drivers side rear side light dont work. CHANGE THE BULB!!! i hear you all shout. Done that, no joy. Indicator works, brake light works, but not side light. There is not voltage at the plug so that would suggest faulty wireing somewhere but i really dont want to start tearing my interior to pieces just yet. Any ideas?
  16. So i want to connect stuff to my stereo like ipod, laptop etc but how? I found this http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/product ... f3d2561eb9 But its more for just an ipod. All i want is a 3.5 jack so i can plug it into anything. Stereos a Sony CDR6550. I'll add a pic of the back of the stereo later. Any ideas?
  17. Can it be had anywhere? I'm not in the country much at the mo and it seems like a waste to pay for a full year and only use the car for a couple of months, if that. Any ideas?
  18. well got hold of a bendy bit with two 10mm bolt that are sort of diagonal which sits on top of the radiator and a seal. about £8. Possible the least expensive fix i have ever done. It will be coming tomorrow so its probabley the quickest fix i have done too. If it fixes it that is.
  19. pants!!! i cant be arsed doin a whole radiator. Is the little bend part even a part or does it come with the rad?
  20. Well not exactly the hose but the part in between the hose and the radiator. There is water squirting out all over the place. I aint looked at it yet cos its still hot but will i need a whole radiator. Or can i replace the part inbetween, it sort of bends 90° and bolts onto the rad. OR as i have to drive from liverpool to reading and then on to london and back this weekend can i slap some sort of sealant all over it and hope? What do you guys reckon? Thanks in advance.
  21. Hi When fitting a new water pump do i need any special sealants or will the supplied rubber seal be enough.
  22. CharlieHorse

    new vr6????

    so where exactly do i get a brand new vr6 from for £1750 that i read about on here the other day.
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