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Everything posted by Tobz_mw

  1. Just looked on DVLA website guys! Aslong as your plates are correct font,spacing and letter sizing and are stamped on the bottom with a manufacturer watermark then it is fine! Also must be reflective witch makes sense. https://www.gov.uk/displaying-number-plates/rules-number-plates Will have to get on ebay and order some! So nothing to worry about with yours wayne haha!
  2. Looking good wayne! What sort of number plates have you got they look good! Was looking at getting some new ones for mine as there looking abit old. Also it's a shame the guy you bought it from couldn't have been more honest about the car with you. Just proves what some people are like just to get a few extra quid in there pocket! Atleast your managing to get on top of it all. Just a shame to keep finding more problems!
  3. Haha sounds like a plan! Make a nice change to see another one around
  4. Oh really haven't been in a while till today. I'm from harrogate but all the scrap yards here are a rip off. So it's worth the drive to know they will have what you need at a fixed price! It was good when they did the £50 wheelbarrow days!
  5. Hey! I think your friend sent me a link to your build! Awesome work man! Hope you don't ever bring it out when it's finished and make mine look total crap haha! Yeah think I'm going to get orang tint instead. Didn't realise it would be so orange as ordered some yellow off the same company and it was fine! Well if I can't sort it with changing the abs ecu I think I will just ditch it!
  6. Had been stripped lads! Some sort of fire in engine bay so nothing in there and interior was all mouldy. Only thing I should of and could of got was them dials! :( only problem is I live like 25miles away haha!
  7. Unfortunately not they don't permit any power tools on the premises haha!
  8. Indeed I soldered all the wires up and still nothing :(
  9. Went to U-pull it in York today with my step dad an would of never believed to see one in there as never have before! It had definatley seen better days haha! What corrado's have you guys seen in scrapyards or in a sorry state??
  10. Yeah when I bought it I thought it would be more transparent and after seeing a few with orange fronts it is way to orange! Haha. Oh okay I just thought someone had taped it up and managed to get old sleeve out but was a right pain! Also going to order some new led bulbs for the rears tonight! I've been told you need to put green leds in the reverse to counteract with the red tint I don't know if that's right or not? The only other colour I think I would have over white is the blackberry! Yeah seems that way with the problems! My ABS is sell on after changing all the sensors :( yeah going to need the good luck aswell. I like the fact it does just break it up abit I decided to go with orange indicators as my current run around has yellow fogs so thougt I would try something different! With regards to the clear indicators I just took mine off so if your wanting some your more than welcome to have mine as I was only going to throw them in the shed. :thumbleft:
  11. Cheers wayne I think they look awesome in white! Yeah this is one off Andy due to is upgrade haha! I wouldn't be too sure on the bodywork mind the photos hide a lot haha! Yeah few spots of rust round the arches but nothing that can't be fixed haha! Just think who owned the car before Andy just didn't care for the car and just bodged everything :( Anyway onto today's update! Didn't pick sensors up till late afternoon so going to fit them tomorrow. Decided I would do a few subtle changes and see how I like them. Started by getting some orange film and put it over the front indicators as finding some U S spec ones.think it breaks it up a little more. Then next thought I would have ago at tinting the rear lights red as again I think it looks fairly good on the corrados! Not too sure on them yet will see if they grow on me as I don't want too change the car to much!. So that was that for the day and being bored and decided to browse the BAY for parts and came across a bumper with a 90mm splitter on! And seems as thought are £100+ brand new thougt I would try grab a bargain! Well lucky me no one else had a bid haha!!
  12. Ref the car mats they are rubber backing :)
  13. Just poping to get my new abs sensors! :D will check for you when im back home.
  14. Hi mate only after the end cap so no need for full unit. Cheers anyway :)
  15. Yeah looks that way! Just thought it was easier to change them Aswell seems as you did the fronts that way they have all been changed. Just hope it is now haha!
  16. Fingers crossed I've found the problem! Turns out someone had taped up the rear offside abs sensor because there so bank breaking too replace! So been down local motor factors today and got some on order for tomorrow costing £38 for both. Just hoping that will be problem fixed!
  17. I actually live in harrogate and have been to the show the past two years as this will be its third year. and I personally think it's poor as far as shows go. It's far too small and it's not well advertised or marketed so not many people know about it. And there's only so many times you can walk around before you get bored of looking at he same cars over and over haha! Just full of transporters with a few cars inside. If you are thinking of going but live way out I would give it a miss as I think a lot of people would be disappointed. I won't be going this year as I know what to be expected. But that's just my opinion I'm sure people will enjoy it but me I would rather be at work at save my holiday days for the bigger and better shows :)
  18. seen this up on ebay. Don't remember seeing any of the rust damage or about windscreen seal in the advert. Almost went to view the car aswell! Hope you get it all sorted though mate. Will make a nice car when sorted! And do the car a favour and take that stupid sticker bomb of the petrol flap haha!!
  19. Awesome just let me know cheers! :thumbleft:
  20. Ah sugar didn't realise you had already scanned it. Like you say atleast that's another problem eliminated. Just gave it a quick hand polish so didn't do a great deal. just going to wait till I've had the paint done then have crack at it. :thumbleft:
  21. Looking for thes pieces in good condition. don't mind paying a few quid or if anyone knows if you can get them from vw! Cheers. Wiper washer cover A blank plate instead of one with a fake switch The screw cover on bottom left of the speedo
  22. So more updates first a few pics of it clean. Not the best as its having to live on the garden and is were I am having to work on the car :( So next on was to have a look into the abs light! So I knew the wires were a mess so when I pulled the switch out I was greeted by this! To get the best connections possible I soldered all the wires up and hoped that would be problem solved but on wait..... So checked the fuses behind the glove boxes just incase and they are fine.so to save trouble I have ordered a fault code reader in hope that will tell me what it is. So as that was all I could do on that I thought I waouls have a look at some of the bits of rust starting with the boot handle. Looks a lot worse than it is and used my rotary tool to flat it all back to clean metal and treared it with rust remover gel to be on safe side and have left that on to cure till tomorrow. And have started to repainting the handle itself as that again was covered in surface rust. was getting dark and My fingers and feet were numb at this point so decided to took her up in bed the best I could without a garage. Hopefully more progress tomorrow!
  23. Cheers guys! Managed to give the car a good clean today. Clayed then polished the car to try and bring some life out of the paint! Hopefully getting price sorted for some paint in the next few days so can get it sorted as its really letting the car down :( Going to look at ordering a full set of speakers as the ones in are crap and have no clarity. So more pics to follow tomorrow as I will be having a tinker on bits and bobs :)
  24. Looking for a drivers side candy white wing. Must be in good condition!
  25. So after a few weeks of looking I finally bought my first rado! After a lot of mixed opinions I decided to go for a 2.0 16v as it is going to be used a daily car so just seemed like a more sensible option to go for as will only be used as a town car! I was contacted by another forum member Andy (hairyarse) who had the car and he was massively helpful sending me sound 50 pictures of the car and describing all the main issues. Now the car was well within budget but needs bodywork attention and could probably benefit from a full respray!. But mechanically and structally the car is great. With FSH and a whopping great big folder of receipts! And he even threw in a dealership catalogue of the corrados which was a great read haha. Now there a couple of niggles being that there is an abs light issue which needs investigating but hopefully Andy pointed me in the right direction of the fault and could just be shoddy wiring by a previous owner and couple of advisories on the mot that I'm going too look into sorting. So after having a lovely two hour drive home in the car the first thing I did was pull the window tints straight off as I think there just not at home on a car like this at all. Please note the car will be get a wash tomorrow! Joys of white cars and winter.
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