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About BlackberryVR6

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    VWs, cycling, music


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  1. That is special. With 4WD you will have a monster. How much is it likely to cost overall?
  2. at 90 my old 1.8 16v struggled to get 30mpg. My VR6 will easily do that because it is going at much lower revs. At legal motorway speeds I can get about 35pmg, which is not much worse than a 16v
  3. I'd be at a good vantage point with a sniper's rifle. The irony with my 'pry in' was that the car was unlocked at the time. Turns out that the actual lock mechanism wasn't working, so whilst the button thing would go down when I pressed the alarm, the door wasn't actually locking. The garage said that there was no way that the pry in caused it, so the dum fcuks were trashing the door handles on a car that was unlocked. Dumb bstards. I hate pikeys
  4. At least there was no damage. The pikey fcuks that had a go at mine screwdrivered both door handles off, knackering both doorskins and doorhandles. The dumb bstards didn't even get in! I have not driven my C to work since. I cycle in every day. Much cheaper and saves the C from getting the usual car park bumps that drivers of non-classic cars seem happy enough to inflict on modern classics.
  5. I was with Elephant last year (a part of Admiral) and my renewal went up £600 because I'd picked up 3 points (on top of the 4 I already had. THe cheapest quote I got was with the RAC. Most of the insurers are pretty good at sorting out claims. The only time they really fuck you about is if you fail to diclose something to them.
  6. I'm in Manchester, have a standard corrado in good nick and am always happy to talk of the virtues of the C, which is certainly one of the top 100 cars ever built. I can't do this week though: I'm off training for a race on the weekend (not in the C!).
  7. I've got Eagle F1s up front and they have been great. Got Michelin Pilot SXs on the back and they have been good too.
  8. I don't usually drive my C very hard, but did have a flutter with a Beemer 530 recently. The VR is definitely quicker, it was still pulling when the beemer was shifting up. I'm assuming that the 530 was an auto, so maybe it would have been a little closer if it were a manual 530.
  9. The in-gear accelerations for the VR6 were quicker than the escort cossie, which had 225 bhp, so he could potentially beat a cossie. My friend has driven my VR and says it feels quicker than some of the turbo cars he's tried on track days. Most of it comes down to the driver though. I've been braced into the passenger seat of an astra 1.8 SRI that has dropped a cossie on driver ability alone. The SRI went ok, but nowhere near VR territory. It was just driven by someone with bigger nuts than the cossie driver!
  10. You still have to declare the conviction to the insurers! A friend of mine was convicted of assault 4 years ago and didn't mention it to his insurers. His car (thankfully not a Corrado) was nicked and his insurers refused to pay up because he'd not told them about an assault conviction
  11. I had four points a couple of years ago and my insurance did not change much. I picked up another 3 earlier this year and my insurance almost doubled! The points and ban stay on your record with insurers for 5 years. A bit unfair given that they officially come off as far as the authorities are concerned after 3 years. As you were banned the insurers may put up your premium by more than usual, as they often ask if the conviction resulted in a ban. Your insurance will not go up until you renew, so the longet you have left on your policy, the better! Group buy on decent radar detectors people? A good idea me thinks!
  12. BlackberryVR6


    I had a simlar problem with my old 16V a few years back. It ended up being an electrical fault with the thermostat. The fuel pump also went on my old 16V, but it still started, just kept kangarooing, so not sure if it could be that.
  13. I'm in Chorlton too! Don't get to take mine out much, but see loads when I'm out on the bike. There's a nice blue VR6 that's been lowered, but has a big dent in the front wing that I keep seeing. There was a red Kplate in the garage opposite the bus station that looked sweet. There's another I see in Chorlton a bit that has been dropped to the floor. Corrado-cum-Hardy.
  14. Hi, I'm a lawyer so can give a few general tips. You can reject a car, but have to do so pretty quickly after taking delivery for it to be effective. Any more than 6 weeks or so and you cannot usually get away with rejecting the car. Once you have passed this stage you need to consider whether there has been any breach of contract. Here there may have been, as it would seem that he may have misrepresented the mileage here. That would entitle you to claim for a breach of contract and try and get damages, or possibly even all your money back. You would need some proof of the misrepresentation. The fact that he has not sent you the documents is some evidence in support of a suspicion that all is not well. What you ought to do is write to the previous owners and see if they can give you any information. If they support your suspicions then suing the garage is a pretty easy thing to do. So long as you do not say anything defamatory, posting the details of the garage here should not cause you any problems. Good luck, D
  15. PM me if you need a solicitor to deal with a claim for compensation for you. My firm specialise in personal injury work and would be happy to help you out. Really sorry to hear about the Corrado too, hope she makes a full recovery. Someone pulled into mine in 1990 when she was brand new. It was heartbreaking, but she recovered and did 210,000 trouble free miles before I sold her to get my VR6. She's still in the family and running happily! D
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